(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) Terjemahan dari coherent adjektiva koheren coherent jelas clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, coherent terang bright, light, clear, candid, luminous, coherent masuk akal reasonable, plausible, rational, sound, coherent, reasoned bertalian secara logis coherent …
Terjemahan dari tinge nomina semburat tinge nada tone, note, pitch, vein, tinge, ring warna sedikit tinge cat paint, tincture, tint, tinge verba mewarnai sedikit tinge mencat sedikit tinge memberi nada pd tinge Definisi tinge nomina a tendency toward or trace of some color. there was a faint pink tinge to the sky sinonim: tint, color, …
Terjemahan dari eliminate verba menghapuskan eliminate, abolish, eradicate, wipe out, blot out, write off melenyapkan eliminate, destroy, obliterate, abolish, silence, ditch menyingkirkan get rid of, remove, rule out, eliminate, do away, dismiss membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, eliminate membersihkan clean, clean up, clear, cleanse, rid, eliminate mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, …
Terjemahan dari truncate verba memotong cut, cut off, cut out, chop, trim, truncate menyingkatkan truncate, condense, compress, abbreviate, contract mencacati truncate, deface, disable, damage, injure Definisi truncate verba shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end. a truncated cone shape sinonim: shorten, cut, cut short, curtail, bring to an untimely end, abbreviate, condense, …
Terjemahan dari lad nomina kacung lackey, lad, lacquey, laddie, valet anak laki-laki son, boy, man-child, laddie, lad, chappie Definisi lad nomina a boy or young man (often as a form of address). I read that book when I was a lad sinonim: boy, schoolboy, youth, youngster, juvenile, stripling, kid, whippersnapper, brat a stable worker (regardless …