
Terjemahan dari visage
face, look, countenance, features, visage, physiognomy
face, front, surface, page, reputation, visage
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countenance, visage
Definisi visage
a person’s face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features.
an elegant, angular visage
  • face, countenance, look, (facial) features, (facial) expression
  • countenance
  • countenance, phiz, mug, physiognomy, kisser, smiler
Pretty little Gertie’s face seemed to bloat into the meaty visage of a moustached cop.
Unlike Washington, Jefferson did not shield himself behind an impenetrable visage .
there was something hidden behind his visage of cheerfulness
At this time the chinos actually came with a little tag featuring Warne’s smiling visage .
You can do that,’ Graham said, feigning a grim visage and not entirely joking.
His face, countenance, visage , none was there!
Doyle sighed, the beautiful voice at odds with his grim visage .
Time’s close up makes Padilla’s visage appear far more sinister.
What at first looks like a landscape dotted only with fynbos quickly reveals a much more colouredvisage when examined more closely.
The main villain is Doctor Cube, who wears a white cubic helmet with a frowning visage that resembles an embittered smiley face.
When the visage of the Pentagon appeared on the TV with a gaping and smoking hole in its side, that little voice had nearly taken me over, and I felt an urge to pump my fist in the air.
The man’s eyes widened momentarily and his nostrils flared, and then he forced his face into a blankvisage .
The unflattering signs of age on her face are emphasized, giving her visage that sense of gravitas associated with old men in old-master paintings.
He could see her legs were weakened by the sight; Joe helped her keep her balance and engaged her in friendly conversation in an attempt to take her mind off the terrible visage of deaths manifestation.
Lionel moved around so he could clearly see Vincent’s expressionless visage when he made to call to the man again.
an elegant, angular visage
For one thing, it lacked resemblance to the most popular photograph of the poet, featuring a youthfulvisage and spectacles.
Her blonde hair whipped about her impassive visage as the wind dived past her and took cover behind the nearby hills.
Meanwhile, the visage of the elegant, thin-ankled man in the painting is hard to discern from a distance, since his features are enveloped by the darkness of his skin.
The sharpness of his face drew shadows, and his unblemished visage resembled the moon, a glowing white, with shadows of gray cast upon it.
By the end of his life his Hollywood good looks had faded, replaced by the grim visage captured in Bruce Weber’s documentary film Let’s Get Lost.
If looking at the stand from the oval, you’re faced with a visage of plate-glass windows that lends a futuristic look.
Now too weak to move, Willow stared in horror as Buffy’s face transformed itself into the demonicvisage that all vampires hid beneath the trappings of humanity.
Dimples, especially on the chin, also increase the angularity and definition of the male face, creating the impression of a strong visage .
Hope maintained an expressionless visage , but inside, she trembled.
Aeron hadn’t yet removed his hood, so the features of his visage remained a mystery.
the moonlit visage of the port’s whitewashed buildings
Her face contained not an ounce of anger, the expression on her face, if anything, was a visage of pity.
His face lost its passive visage and revealed his horror and disgust.
It is a wristwatch featuring the visage of Guevara, and the word ‘REVOLUTION.’
Baca Juga  Chummy
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