Terjemahan dari prowl verba berkeliaran mencari mangsa prowl Definisi prowl verba (of a person or animal) move around restlessly and stealthily, especially in search of or as if in search of prey. black bears prowl the canyons sinonim: move stealthily, slink, skulk, steal, nose, pussyfoot, sneak, stalk, creep, snoop nomina an act of prowling. I …
Definisi welly nomina power or vigor. I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly Contoh I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly And you know what, he wasn’t that bad, it’s just in this day and age when they’re all using rackets the …
Terjemahan dari dissimulator nomina penipu swindler, cheater, deceiver, trickster, cheat, dissimulator orang yg pura-pura dissembler, dissimulator, malingerer, shammer Sinonim dissimulator nomina dissembler, phony, pretender, hypocrite, phoney Comments comments
Hesitation because of fear Comments comments
Terjemahan dari implacable adjektiva kepala batu implacable, headstrong, obstinate, recalcitrant gurat batu implacable, obstinate Definisi implacable adjektiva unable to be placated. he was an implacable enemy of Ted’s sinonim: unappeasable, unforgiving, unsparing, inexorable, intransigent, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, relentless, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, heartless, pitiless, cruel, hard, harsh, stern, tough, iron-fisted Sinonim adjektiva unappeasable, unforgiving, …