Terjemahan dari limbo nomina tempat bagi orang yg dibuang limbo tempat bagi orang yg terlupa limbo Definisi limbo somewhere between here and there; not quite in Heaven but not in Hell either; Carribean dance where people bend backwards to go under a stick held in the air and set to music When you die suddenly, …
Prevail artinya menang, menguasai Prevail artinya berlaku Prevail juga berarti membujuk Prevail juga berarti merata, tersebar luas Contoh Kalimat : Their collective rights prevail over individual or corporate monopoly interests. He was of course, feeling the paternal love which can prevail over all other emotions. Its name derives from romance, the literary form in which …
Terjemahan dari civic adjektiva bersifat kewarganegaraan civic Definisi civic adjektiva of or relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal. civic and business leaders sinonim: municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local Sinonim adjektiva municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local civil Contoh You should see that as your …
Terjemahan dari implication nomina implikasi implication maksud purpose, intent, point, intention, view, implication keterlibatan involvement, complicity, entanglement, implication siratan implication, knotted pengartian cognition, meaning, sense, notion, perceptivity, implication Definisi implication nomina the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated. the implication is that no one person at the bank …
Terjemahan dari suspend verba menangguhkan suspend, postpone, defer, put off, shelve, adjourn menggantung hang, hang out, hang up, hang down, suspend, swing menggantungkan hang, drape, hang up, pin, hang out, suspend menunda delay, put off, postpone, suspend, defer, procrastinate menskors suspend, adjourn menghentikan stop, discontinue, cease, end, suspend, break mencabut revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, …