Sumber Artikel It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Swagger artinya sombong, belagu, berjalan dengan sikap sombong Contoh Kalimat : There is something of an arrogant swagger about Ibrahimovic. One exchange neatly sums up the swagger of the young, high, stupid and heavily armed. Smit slowly walked back to his chair with an arrogant swagger . The Saints duly went marching in, although it …
Terjemahan dari slay verba membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, do away bunuh murder, slay, assassinate Slaying = pembunuhan grisly slaying = pembunuhan yang mengerikan Definisi slay nomina the killing of a person or animal. the slaying of a dragon verba kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. St. George slew the dragon …
Terjemahan dari sally nomina gurauan joke, jest, prank, witticism, witty remark, sally kelakar banter, prank, antics, pleasantry, game, sally gurau joke, jest, prank, witticism, witty remark, sally serangan tiba-tiba sneak attack, sally, sortie, fit, paroxysm verba pergi keluar run out, sneak out, sally Definisi sally nomina a sudden charge out of a besieged place against …
Terjemahan dari suburb nomina kota satelit suburb, satellite town, satellite bagian pinggir kota suburb Definisi suburb nomina an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. The subjects come from a variety of backgrounds, from inner city ghettoes to upmarket suburbs . sinonim: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commuter shed, commuter belt, exurb, …