erjemahan dari hiatus nomina hiatus hiatus rumpang hiatus kekosongan vacancy, void, vacuum, emptiness, gap, hiatus tempat kosong hiatus selang hose, interval, lapse, hiatus, rubber tube, interspace Definisi hiatus nomina a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. there was a brief hiatus in the war with France sinonim: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, …
Terjemahan dari smithy nomina bengkel pandai besi forge, smithy Definisi smithy nomina a blacksmith’s workshop; a forge. Sometimes, when someone mentions a blacksmith’s forge, I find myself instantaneously back in my childhood, visiting a local smithy . Sinonim nomina forge Contoh Whether you’re a master tailor, smithy , jeweler, alchemist or other master of a …
Terjemahan dari vessel nomina kapal ship, boat, vessel, craft, shipboard, watercraft pembuluh vessel, artery, tube, duct, pipe bejana vessel, container, vase wadah container, vessel, receptacle, crock bak basin, vessel, trough, font, dolly tub, scuttle tempat place, where, spot, point, area, vessel Definisi vessel nomina a ship or large boat. The bridge only opens with two …
Terjemahan dari pathetic adjektiva sedih sad, miserable, sorrowful, depressed, mournful, pathetic pedih poignant, sore, smarting, acute, pathetic yg menyedihkan pitiful, sad, miserable, dumpish, pathetic, heartrending Definisi pathetic adjektiva arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her sinonim: pitiful, pitiable, piteous, moving, touching, poignant, plaintive, distressing, …
Terjemahan dari belligerent adjektiva yg suka berkelahi bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy yg suka berperang bellicose, belligerent nomina negara yg berperang belligerent Definisi belligerent adjektiva hostile and aggressive. a bull-necked, belligerent old man sinonim: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, warlike, warmongering, hawkish, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent, confrontational, contentious, militant, combative, spoiling for a fight, trigger-happy, scrappy nomina …