
Terjemahan dari thus
so, thus, accordingly, like that, sic
so, thus, therefore, ergo
like this, here, thus
Definisi thus
as a result or consequence of this; therefore.
Burke knocked out Byrne, thus becoming champion
sinonim: consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, thereby, so, that being so, therefore, ergo, accordingly, hence, as a result, for that reason, ipso facto, because of that, on that account
in the manner now being indicated or exemplified; in this way.
she phoned Susan, and while she was thus engaged, Charles summoned the doctor
sinonim: like that, in that way, so, like so
to this point; so.
the website has been cracked three times thus far
  • consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, thereby, so, that being so, therefore, ergo,accordingly, hence, as a result, for that reason, ipso facto, because of that, on that account
  • like that, in that way, so, like so
  • so, therefore, thence, hence
  • so, thusly
  • frankincense, olibanum
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Burke knocked out Byrne, thus becoming champion
An active week of trading produced the highest weekly volume for the year thus far.
These operations cut or break the residue into smaller pieces, mix soil and residue, and speed winter weathering, thus making the residue more susceptible to decomposition.
Labossiere believes the work of the hate crime team has thus far been successful.
We trust that the author may be pardoned for speaking thus of his results.
They have thus far failed to realise that the process will take a long time and extended effort.
The experience of family life is thus the prior education presupposed by a free society.
In this sense, a human sperm cell is a potential adult human, and thus a potential person.
It is an important exercise that can not be left to the minority few who have registered thus far.
Our survey results thus confirm reports that civilians were often direct victims of the war in Angola.
The Sunday thus proved something of an anti-climax, with three convincing results.
While thus engaged he was, under pretext of union, finally and fatally subjugated by the Scot.
They have won three and drawn two of there five games thus far and sit proudly on top of the table.
His only experience of the famous encounter thus far came in October when he ended the match on the losing side.
The roof was stripped in the same year and thus spelt the demise of the milling industry in Durrow.
He didn’t win, but he did gain a few laughs, thus setting in motion a phenomenal career.
it’s full of vitamins and thus is very healthy
The results may thus be subject to bias if differential outcomes between treatments change over time.
It will probably be shallower, and thus more dangerous, and followed by scores of aftershocks.
There is probably truth in all three scenarios, and perhaps to some degree it was ever thus .
she rang up Susan, and while she was thus engaged Chignell summoned the doctor
For me it is easier to not lose a game than to win it, thus I produce better results in stronger tournaments.
One wonders how people can find it in them to attend church after priests had betrayed them thus .
The park should thus be seen as part of the real estate speculation and developments in the area.
The breakneck speed of the advance has disguised thus far how thin on the ground the allies are.
he was talking, thus proving he was still alive
We have gone a long way thus far and therefore we cannot afford to be again divided by racism.
The staff gave all their love, care and support, thus enabling me to overcome my fears.
History, as they say, has thus far proven the best judge of the rightness of this tactic.
This is likely why the Irish response to immigration has been so conflicted thus far.
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thus far, and thus, thus much
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