Terjemahan dari snoop verba mengintip peek, peep, snoop, tout, stag, pry mengintai lurk, spy, snoop, stake out, scout, peer ingin tahu urusan orang lain snoop memata-matai look, keek, spy, reconnoitre, reconnoiter, snoop nomina pengintai scout, look-out, spotter, watcher, snooper, snoop pengintip peeper, snooper, keeker, snoop mata-mata scout, stool, stool pigeon, bloodhound, dick, snoop Definisi snoop …
Terjemahan dari locust nomina belalang grasshopper, locust, grig uir-uir locust Definisi locust nomina a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to crops. Vast swarms of locusts have …
Terjemahan dari successor nomina penerus successor, continuer pengganti substitute, successor, surrogate, alternate, fill-in kulipat successor, deputy Definisi successor nomina a person or thing that succeeds another. Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school sinonim: heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line Sinonim nomina heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line heir replacement Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh …
Terjemahan dari normalcy nomina keadaan yg biasa normalcy, normality Sinonim normalcy nomina normality Comments comments
Terjemahan dari usurp verba merebut seize, grab, snatch, take, capture, usurp merebuntukan fight for, struggle, gain, win, usurp merampas kuasa usurp Definisi usurp verba take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force. Richard usurped the throne sinonim: seize, take over, take possession of, take, commandeer, wrest, assume, expropriate Sinonim verba seize, take …