
Terjemahan dari debase
menurunkan nilai
debase, deteriorate
merendahkan martabat
demean, debase
merendahkan derajat
debase, demean
menurunkan mutu
deteriorate, debase
humiliate, degrade, spurn, humble, contemn, debase
Definisi debase
reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade.
the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
sinonim: degrade, devalue, demean, cheapen, prostitute, discredit, drag down, tarnish, blacken, blemish, disgrace, dishonor, shame, damage, harm, undermine
  • degrade, devalue, demean, cheapen, prostitute, discredit, drag down, tarnish, blacken,blemish, disgrace, dishonor, shame, damage, harm, undermine
  • reduce in value, reduce in quality, depreciate, contaminate, adulterate, pollute, taint, sully,corrupt, dilute, alloy
  • deprave, demoralize, corrupt, profane, subvert, misdirect, debauch, pervert, vitiate
  • load, dilute, adulterate, stretch
  • alloy
Lebih sedikit sinonim
People like to watch people debase themselves.
For some people extending human control over genes is the supreme act of hubris and, like all hubris, threatens paradoxically not to elevate but to debase us.
There is no evidence in this case of any positive intention to humiliate or debase the applicant.
We expect our television to debase us, empty us, and condescend to us.
the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
the King was forced to debase the coinage
For those viewers who aren’t regular watchers of this show, let me recap how the game works: Peopledebase themselves for money.
the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
The ‘anti’ brigade says that gifts can debase the trust between doctor and patient and devalue the true value of the care that doctors give.
His way is not just to debase traditional standards; it is to do away with them altogether.
Not content to debase himself, he insisted that his wife drink as well.
Everywhere people recognise that genuine forms of corruption debase the quality of their life, lead to the degradation of their social and physical environment.
If the Minister had received cash in return for assisting a visa or passport application, that woulddebase him.
In Europe, gold was democratized by its use in coins, even though successive rulers tried to debasethem by mixing in lesser metals or reducing their size.
The state has understood this lesson since the kings of old began repeatedly to debase the coinage.
In the light of the foregoing, the Court considers that in the present case there is no evidence that there was a positive intention of humiliating or debasing the applicant.
The result is a debased , debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible.
The intimidation of political dissidents threatens the right of free speech for all and debases our traditions of civil liberty and tolerance.
This skewed history is the result of an oral culture being debased and devalued through the past century.
Monroe had fled to the Actors Studio in the mid-’50s to achieve something more than the stardom she felt debased her.
But it does so through the methods of politics, however corrupted and debased these have become in our country.
This process is rooted in a constant debasement of humans, deprived of moral and ethical ‘values.’
Inflation, which is always politically engineered, devalues currencies, debases trust and takes years to work its way out of investors’ perceptions.
Milton Friedman pointed out some years ago that when the government spends, it will figure out a way to finance its spending, whether by taxes, by deficit borrowing or debasing the currency.
Far from debasing his models (most of whom are not naked), Newton places them at the heart of a deep and complex drama where they rule like errant queens.
As a Christian I believe we must always recognize the dignity of even the most debased human being and we should not take pleasure in their death.
Part of the charge against the Olympics is that while proclaiming simple idealism it in fact debases the meaning and purpose of sport itself.
You can see the suppressed masculine rage about this emerging in the phenomenal rise of violent internet porn based on debasing women and ‘putting them in their place’.
It is unfair, unequal, biased, and debases us all.
Numerous laws and statutes enacted against ‘multipliers of metals’ and debasers of coins suggest that this was a profitable medieval equivalent of money-laundering and financial fraud.
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