Expunge artinya menghapus atau mencoret Contoh They demanded that school officials apologize and expunge the incident from her son’s records. But the answer to the present imperfections is in part to abolish faith schools in their entirety and expunge religion from schools, except as a topic of study. the kind of man that could expunge …
Terjemahan dari semblance nomina kemiripan resemblance, similarity, semblance, likeness, similitude persamaan equation, equality, similarity, resemblance, parallel, semblance pemandangan view, scenery, sight, landscape, scene, semblance Definisi semblance nomina the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different. she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order sinonim: (outward) …
Terjemahan dari vapor verba menguap evaporate, yawn, vaporize, vapor, volatilize, boil away menguapkan vaporize, evaporate, volatilize, vapor, steam, vapour mengukus steam, vapor, vapour berkukus vapor, distill, distil, vapour mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, vapor nomina uap air steam, vapor, vapour asap smoke, fume, vapor, fog, reek, smolder kukus steam, vapor, marten, vapour …
Terjemahan dari charge nomina biaya cost, fee, charge, expense, tab, duty tuduhan accusation, charge, indictment, count, imputation, impeachment dakwaan indictment, charge, accusation, arraignment, inculpation, crimination kelah complaint, charge isi contents, body, charge, text, volume, filling ongkos cost, fee, charge, expense, exes, outlay beban load, burden, loading, charge, yoke, encumbrance tuntutan demand, claim, charge, requirement, indictment, …
Terjemahan dari tenet nomina prinsip principle, tenet, fundamental, truth, principium ajaran teachings, doctrine, gospel, school, tenet, theory pendirian establishment, stance, foundation, construction, stand, tenet pendapat opinion, think, idea, notion, point, tenet paham understanding, concept, view, tenet, credo, fathom keyakinan confidence, belief, faith, conviction, assurance, tenet Definisi tenet nomina a principle or belief, especially one of …