Terjemahan dari debase verba menurunkan nilai debase, deteriorate merendahkan martabat demean, debase merendahkan derajat debase, demean menurunkan mutu deteriorate, debase menghinakan humiliate, degrade, spurn, humble, contemn, debase Definisi debase verba reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade. the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama sinonim: degrade, devalue, demean, cheapen, prostitute, discredit, drag down, …
Terjemahan dari righteous adjektiva adil fair, just, equitable, righteous, impartial, impersonal berbudi righteous, courteous, high-toned budiman wise, righteous, sapiential, good, solomonic yg pd tempatnya righteous, felicitous, pointful tdk palsu righteous Definisi righteous adjektiva (of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous. he is a good, righteous man, I am sure sinonim: good, virtuous, …
Terjemahan dari importune verba mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, importune meminta dgn sangat plead, adjure, entreat, importune, obtest, mump Definisi importune verba ask (someone) pressingly and persistently for or to do something. if he were alive now, I should importune him with my questions Sinonim verba beg, beseech, entreat, implore, plead with, appeal to, …
Terjemahan dari descendant nomina keturunan descent, offspring, descendant, ancestry, heredity, seed turunan derivative, descendant, generation, transcription, inheritance, copy anak cucu children and grandchildren, posterity, offspring, progeny, descendant Definisi descendant nomina a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor. Shakespeare’s last direct descendant sinonim: successor, scion, heir, offspring, progeny, family, lineage, issue, …
Terjemahan dari dispatch nomina pengiriman delivery, shipment, transmission, dispatch, consignment, despatch kabar news, word, tidings, communication, dispatch, intelligence berita tertulis dispatch, despatch kiriman kilat dispatch, despatch verba mengirim send, dispatch, despatch, send forth, fire off, relegate mengutus send, dispatch, delegate, despatch memberangkatkan dispatch, despatch, send off, pack off menyuruh tell, send, have, order, enjoin, dispatch …