call, summon, call out, call in, address, get
order, command, instruct, enjoin, charge, summon
set forth, summon
the pope summoned Anselm to Rome
call, summon, call out, call in, address, get
order, command, instruct, enjoin, charge, summon
set forth, summon
the pope summoned Anselm to Rome
Terjemahan dari slump verba merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menumpuk pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit menumpukkan stack, slump, pile up, bank, jam, hoard mengumpulkan collect, gather, raise, put together, accumulate, slump jatuh keras slump duduk sit, sit down, sit up, take a seat, settle, slump bergerak dgn kurang tangkas slummock, slump reda …
erjemahan dari hiatus nomina hiatus hiatus rumpang hiatus kekosongan vacancy, void, vacuum, emptiness, gap, hiatus tempat kosong hiatus selang hose, interval, lapse, hiatus, rubber tube, interspace Definisi hiatus nomina a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. there was a brief hiatus in the war with France sinonim: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, …
Terjemahan dari fringe nomina pinggir edge, side, skirting, rim, fringe, border tepi edge, side, edging, brink, fringe, verge susur fringe, quid, edge jumbai tassel, frill, fringe, tuft jerumbai tassel, fringe golongan pinggir fringe ekor kuda ponytail, horsetail, fringe lingkaran pinggir fringe susuran edge, fringe verba menyusur hug, run along, trace, skirt, fringe, go along the …
Insurectionist artinya pemberontak atau pengacau Beerapa contoh kalimat : Comments comments
Ointment = obat salep Something that spoils or lessens the enjoyment when you are out with a group of friends, this is the guy who always fucks things up. Like when you put antibiotic ointment on a cut and fly gets stuck in it, you say “fuck!” For example, charlie is a fly in the …