Terjemahan dari sanctimonious adjektiva munafik hypocritical, specious, prudish, goody, sanctimonious, histrionic yg berlagak suci sanctified, sanctimonious suci lamisan sanctimonious, sanctified berpura-pura suci sanctified, sanctimonious Definisi sanctimonious adjektiva making a show of being morally superior to other people. what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first? sinonim: self-righteous, holier-than-thou, pious, pietistic, churchy, …
Terjemahan dari smithy nomina bengkel pandai besi forge, smithy Definisi smithy nomina a blacksmith’s workshop; a forge. Sometimes, when someone mentions a blacksmith’s forge, I find myself instantaneously back in my childhood, visiting a local smithy . Sinonim nomina forge Contoh Whether you’re a master tailor, smithy , jeweler, alchemist or other master of a …
Terjemahan dari waver verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother berkibar fly, flutter, wave, waver, ruffle goncang jiggle, shake, waver, shimmy, jar, be unstable berkelap-kelip flicker, twinkle, waver ragu-ragu doubt, distrust, stumble, hesitate, nibble, waver Definisi waver verba shake with a quivering motion. the flame wavered in the draft sinonim: flicker, quiver, twinkle, glimmer, …
Terjemahan dari vitriolic adjektiva pedas spicy, scathing, hot, pungent, scalding, vitriolic sangat tajam vitriolic Definisi vitriolic adjektiva filled with bitter criticism or malice. vitriolic attacks on the politicians sinonim: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious, splenetic, nasty, mean, cruel, unkind, harsh, hostile, vindictive, vicious, scathing, barbed, wounding, sharp, …
Terjemahan dari blade nomina bilah blade, strip, lath, chip sudu blade, spoon, goose beak pedang sword, blade, saber, slasher, glaive, steel mata pisau blade, edge helai strand, blade, sheet daun leaf, blade, mulch, playing card pisau cukur razor, blade, straight razor helaian strand, blade, sheet jagoan whiz, champion, master, blade, swashbuckler, ace jago champion, whiz, …