Vigilante artinya seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang main hakim sendiri tanpa otoritas legal. Apa ya padanan katanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Preman? Ah, gak tepat juga. Rasa bahasanya gak dapat. Preman itu memang pekerjaan ilegal. Tapi preman khan gak berhubungan dengan membasmi kejahatan seperti yang dilakukan oleh para Vigilante seperti Batman atau Green Arrow. Contoh kalimat …
Terjemahan dari righteous adjektiva adil fair, just, equitable, righteous, impartial, impersonal berbudi righteous, courteous, high-toned budiman wise, righteous, sapiential, good, solomonic yg pd tempatnya righteous, felicitous, pointful tdk palsu righteous Definisi righteous adjektiva (of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous. he is a good, righteous man, I am sure sinonim: good, virtuous, …
Terjemahan dari discern verba melihat see, view, look, notice, sight, discern memahami understand, grasp, comprehend, realize, conceive, discern mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince Definisi discern verba perceive or recognize (something). I can discern no difference between the two policies Sinonim verba perceive, make out, pick out, detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, …
Terjemahan dari imprudent adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, imprudent tdk berhati-hati imprudent, hell-bent, incautious, indiscreet tdk hati-hati inadvertent, inobservant, imprudent, remiss, off guard Definisi imprudent adjektiva not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash. it would be imprudent to leave her winter coat behind sinonim: unwise, injudicious, incautious, indiscreet, misguided, ill-advised, …
Terjemahan dari civic adjektiva bersifat kewarganegaraan civic Definisi civic adjektiva of or relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal. civic and business leaders sinonim: municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local Sinonim adjektiva municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local civil Contoh You should see that as your …