
Terjemahan dari loath
disinclined, shy, reticent, unwilling, loath, bashful
yg tdk sudi
disinclined, loath, loth
Definisi loath
reluctant; unwilling.
I was loath to leave
sinonim: reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, ill-disposed, averse, opposed, resistant
  • reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, ill-disposed, averse, opposed, resistant
  • reluctant, loth
  • indisposed, antipathetical, averse, loth, antipathetic
But the Northern lad admits it was a job he was initially loath to take.
We are loath to admit it, but we don’t know how to deal with things that both attract and repulse us.
He was loath to be tough on debtors and my mother had to work hard in the shop to compensate for his kind-heartedness.
The American players also seem loath to get into the whole thing, although all are aware of what went between Monty and that bunker.
Naturally, having gone to such pains to acquire new clients, enterprising energy companies are loath to part with them.
He is more likely to be on the north-west frontier of Pakistan, a heavily populated area that the west will be loath to attack.
It’s not easy to find regular help where I live and I am loath to let my garden go, but can you suggest what I might do to cut down on the mowing?
Personally, I’m hugely pessimistic about this, but I’m loath to spoil the mood.
It made victims reluctant to prosecute, and juries loath to convict.
Farmers are loath to invest in improving productivity when they have no title to the land they till.
I have read a lot of really good posts recently about current affairs and such, so I’m a bit loath to broach similar subjects.
Just because we are loath to see such ruthless selection in everyday life does not mean we should fear it when it comes to choosing those who are to govern us.
But the Indian government is loath to divide an already divided state any further.
Too often courts and child welfare professionals are loath to make a judgment as to whether a parent can truly care for a child.
Central banks are keen to take decisive action, but they are loth to sacrifice independence, or act in a way that would fuel any growing sense of financial panic.
Most problems arise because we are loth to end our summer displays.
Now her parents are retired, she has one brother who is a graphic designer, another who is a punk rocker and she is loth to reveal any more details.
The ship now needs to be sold, but I would be loth to see it go through the courts as in that case other parties would benefit – and not the men.
He was loth to resolve the questions that overflowed his soul and heart. ‘What, then, am I to blame for it all?’
And among other things the poor pigeons, I perceive, were loth to leave their houses, but hovered about the balconies till they were some of them burned and fell down.
Baca Juga  Vigilante
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