Terjemahan dari complacency nomina kepuasan satisfaction, gratification, contentment, pleasure, complacency, content kepuasan akan diri sendiri complacency, complacence, self-approval, self-complacence, self-complacency, self-conceit sumber kegembiraan complacency, complacence Definisi complacency nomina a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency sinonim: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-congratulation, …
Terjemahan dari admonish verba menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address memperingatkan warn, remind, forewarn, admonish mengingatkan remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress menasihati advise, exhort, admonish, preach, lecture Definisi admonish verba warn or reprimand someone firmly. she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven sinonim: reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, upbraid, chastise, …
Terjemahan dari fug nomina udara pengap fug, frowst udara apak fug, frowst verba mengalami kepengapan fug Definisi fug Short for “Fugly”, or “Fuckin’ Ugly”. Wow, that chick is fug! nomina a warm, stuffy, or smoky atmosphere in a room. the cozy fug of the music halls Contoh It is all a far cry from the …
Terjemahan dari suffix nomina akhiran suffix, termination, flexion, flection, terminal, variation sufiks suffix, particle Definisi suffix nomina a morpheme added at the end of a word to form a derivative, e.g., -ation , -fy , -ing , -itis. But the Eskimoan language group uses an extraordinary system of multiple, recursively addable derivational suffixes for word …
Terjemahan dari phlegmatic adjektiva apatis apathetic, phlegmatic, apathetical berdarah dingin cold-blooded, phlegmatic yg bersikap dingin phlegmatic Definisi phlegmatic adjektiva (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition. If we are as phlegmatic as we like to believe would we revel so conspicuously in our tragedy? sinonim: calm, cool, composed, ‘calm, cool, and collected’, …