on Impulse or without thinking
To do something Off the Cuff, or a at moments notice. Linked to spontaneity, or spontaneous people.
In Compton we call that Spur of the Moment, What up!
on Impulse or without thinking
To do something Off the Cuff, or a at moments notice. Linked to spontaneity, or spontaneous people.
In Compton we call that Spur of the Moment, What up!
Terjemahan dari pimp nomina germo pimp, procurer, pander, brothel keeper muncikari pimp, matchmaker, procuress calo pander, pimp alku pimp, procurer jaruman needlework, stitch, procurer, pimp ceti moneylender, pimp Definisi pimp nomina a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. She used to drive even prostitutes and …
Terjemahan dari melodious adjektiva merdu tunable, melodious, melodic, sweet, tuneful, mellifluous musik melodious berlagu melodious selaras conformable, in tune, consistent, harmonious, harmonic, melodious bagai buluh perindu melodious Definisi melodious adjektiva of, producing, or having a pleasant tune; tuneful. the melodious chant of the monks Sinonim adjektiva tuneful, melodic, musical, mellifluous, dulcet, sweet-sounding, silvery, harmonious,euphonious, lyrical, …
Terjemahan dari legion nomina legiun legion, association legion legion, association pasukan troops, force, squad, column, brigade, legion banyaknya many, much, amount, lot, multitude, legion Definisi legion nomina a unit of 3,000–6,000 men in the ancient Roman army. The most important fighting unit of the Roman Army was the legion commanded by a legatus. sinonim: brigade, …
Terjemahan dari forthwith adverbia segera soon, immediately, quickly, right away, shortly, forthwith Definisi forthwith adverbia (especially in official use) immediately; without delay. we undertake to pay forthwith the money required sinonim: immediately, at once, instantly, directly, right away, straightaway, posthaste, without delay, without hesitation, quickly, speedily, promptly, pronto Sinonim adverbia immediately, at once, instantly, directly, …
Terjemahan dari oust verba mengusir drive away, drive out, repel, cast out, evict, oust memecat fire, sack, ax, expel, terminate, oust mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, oust mendaulat oust Definisi oust verba drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. he ousted a long-term incumbent by only 500 votes sinonim: …