
Terjemahan dari sophistry
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Definisi sophistry
the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving.
But Keynes smoothed over the harsh Marxist anti-individualism with artful sophistry and clever rhetoric into something salable to Americans.
  • specious reasoning, fallacy, sophism, casuistry
  • fallacious argument, sophism, fallacy, paralogism
  • sophism, sophistication
Lebih sedikit sinonim
It must be confessed that there is an air of sophistry about this argument – and I certainly have doubts about its cogency.
But Keynes smoothed over the harsh Marxist anti-individualism with artful sophistry and clever rhetoric into something salable to Americans.
Badiou insists that philosophy is the discipline concerned with truth, and that any effort to detract philosophy from this concern is tantamount to sophistry .
How you tried to deceive us with smug sophistry ?
The Guardian’s argumentation is pure sophistry .
trying to argue that I had benefited in any way from the disaster was pure sophistry
I think you’ve been doing it so long you don’t even recognize anymore that they’re nothing butĀ sophistries .
During his literal captivity as a prisoner of war in Kentucky, he becomes figuratively captivated by herĀ sophistries , which are explicitly coded as American.
Most lawyers, of course, don’t internalise their sophistries .
There are then, several sophistries involved in abdicating our positions to cultural corruption.
When you bombard them with sophistries , wrong messages and show them only dead-ends, that is where you finally reach.



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