Insurrection artinya pemberontakan Beberapa contoh kalimat : Contoh The Maoist rebels have been waging a Marxist insurrection in Nepal for nine years to abolish the monarchy. The insurrection swept the old government from office and could only be crushed by the might of the Russian army. the insurrection was savagely put down An urban insurrection …
Terjemahan dari spew verba memuntahkan spew, regurgitate, vomit, spue, throw up, disgorge mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, spew muntah throw up, gag, puke, retch, spit up, spew nomina hal muntah puke, spew, spue, retch pemuntahan spew, spue Definisi spew verba expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly. buses were spewing out …
Terjemahan dari vault nomina kubah dome, vault, cupola, turret, vaulting lompat jump, skip, hop, vault, leap, caper lompatan leap, jump, hop, skip, bound, vault loncatan leap, jump, hop, bound, spring, vault kolong pit, vault, hollow ruang besi vault loncat jump, skip, hop, caper, leap, vault verba melengkungi vault, surround meloncati skip, jump, jump over, leap, …
Terjemahan dari gloat verba melihat dgn tamak gloat merenungkan dgn hati senang gloat Definisi gloat verba contemplate or dwell on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure. his enemies gloated over his death sinonim: delight, relish, take great pleasure, revel, rejoice, glory, exult, triumph, crow, boast, brag, be smug, congratulate oneself, …
Terjemahan dari benign adjektiva jinak benign, tame, docile, gentle ramah friendly, hospitable, gracious, cordial, amiable, benign lunak soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, benign subur fertile, lush, rich, fruitful, flourishing, benign ramah tamah suave, friendly, amicable, neighborly, convivial, benign tdk berbahaya innocuous, innoxious, harmless, safe, benign, benignant Definisi benign adjektiva gentle; kindly. her face was calm …