Terjemahan dari errand nomina urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, errand suruhan messenger, errand, order, telling, wish pesanan order, message, commission, errand pesan message, order, word, request, reservation, errand Definisi errand nomina a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, often on someone else’s behalf. she asked Tim to run an errand …
Terjemahan dari kismet nomina nasib fate, luck, destiny, fortune, lot, kismet kodrat nature, power, kismet, god’s will Definisi kismet nomina destiny; fate. what chance did I stand against kismet? Sinonim nomina kismat Contoh what chance did I stand against kismet? And so Basrans toil in the blazing heat of the Arabian Gulf, waiting for fate, …
Terjemahan dari affluent adjektiva makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, loaded limpah affluent, abundant, overflow, prodigal berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, copious subur fertile, lush, rich, fruitful, flourishing, affluent yg berlebihan superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, affluent yg berlebih-lebihan copious, profuse, affluent, surplus, redundant, superfluous nomina anak …
Terjemahan dari heirdom nomina pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom Comments comments
Terjemahan dari acquaintance nomina kenalan acquaintance pengetahuan knowledge, science, knowing, lore, learning, acquaintance Definisi acquaintance nomina a person’s knowledge or experience of something. the students had little acquaintance with the language sinonim: familiarity with, knowledge of, experience with/of, awareness of, understanding of, comprehension of, grasp of a person one knows slightly, but who is not …