Terjemahan dari doodle nomina gambar yg tak berarti doodle verba menggambar dgn melamun doodle Definisi doodle nomina a rough drawing made absentmindedly. In the notebook were pretty drawings, simple little doodles of simple little joys. verba scribble absentmindedly. he was only doodling in the margin Sinonim nomina scribble, scrabble Contoh This book held all of …
Terjemahan dari phoney adjektiva palsu false, counterfeit, bogus, spurious, phony, phoney lancung spurious, false, phony, phoney, faithless tdk sungguh-sungguh giddy, half-hearted, lip-deep, shallow, make-believe, phoney nomina seorang palsu phony, phoney seorang lancung phoney, phony Definisi phony adjektiva not genuine; fraudulent. I thought your accent was a bit phony sinonim: bogus, false, fake, fraudulent, spurious, counterfeit, …
Terjemahan dari vexatious adjektiva yg menyusahkan troublous, vexatious, bothersome, tiresome, distressing, trying yg menjengkelkan irritating, maddening, vexing, irritant, irritative, vexatious yg mengesalkan vexatious, vexing Definisi vexatious adjektiva causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. the vexatious questions posed by software copyrights Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexing, pesky, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling, pestering,bothersome, …
Terjemahan dari perilous adjektiva berbahaya dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious penuh bahaya perilous membahayakan dangerous, harmful, endangering, perilous, unsafe, pestiferous penuh risiko hazardous, perilous, wildcat, chanceful Definisi perilous adjektiva full of danger or risk. a perilous journey south sinonim: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, …
Terjemahan dari throng nomina kerumunan throng, huddle orang banyak crowd, multitude, throng, horde, plurality, host bondong throng, crowd, group jejalan throng orang gerombolan throng jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, throng verba menjejali stuff, fill, throng memenuhi meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, throng adjektiva yg berkerumun congregate, throng penuh sesak crowded, packed, flush, tight, …