
Contoh helluva
Discussing books with your friend is one helluva exercise, I tell ya.
It’s a wide open race and I think it’s a good thing because it’s turning into a helluva show.
That’s a helluva lot of money for one member of Congress from one small company.
I realised I’d just seen a really big clue – one helluva giveaway – so I reckon I know whodunnit.
Seriously though, Rudolf must have had one helluva hangover this morning.
I don’t know where he gets this stuff, but someday, he’s going to be one helluva good man.
And what Curtis has to say is a helluva lot more interesting than what Michael Moore had to say.
Your credibility gap on Iraq, he effectively told the president, is a helluva lot bigger than mine.
The world is in a helluva mess and it is going to get worse before it gets better.
Harold Bloom, the Yale professor and literary critic, has been on a helluva roll.
Does make me think though, seven years is a helluva long time!
I’ve enjoyed many a beer with Alan and sure as hell look forward to enjoying a helluva lot more.
Democracy is on a roll, even if there is a helluva lot of work to be done.
Shea is an outstanding writer and a helluva defender of the faith.
Last year, one of the other writers who worked on the show sold his Xerox of my bible on eBay for ahelluva lot of money.
That is what might delicately be referred to as one helluva stretch.
But when I tried to put my finger on it… they actually had a helluva lot in common.
By the end he was drinking a helluva lot – a bottle of vodka after each show.
If we’re going to be one people, we all – especially pakeha – have a helluva lot of learning to do.
Larry’s wife, Sarah, is now one of my closest friends (and one helluva good cook).
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