Terjemahan dari dense adjektiva padat solid, dense, congested, compact, heavy, tight rapat tight, dense, close, compact, intimate, firm lebat heavy, dense, torrential, pouring, lush tebal thick, heavy, dense, bulky, fat, bushy pekat concentrated, dense, strong, soupy, slab, tough kental thick, lumpy, condensed, viscous, dense, stiff rimbun lush, dense, thick, luxuriant, exuberant bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, …
Terjemahan dari oppressive adjektiva berat heavy, severe, serious, tough, strenuous, oppressive bersifat menindas oppressive, repressive, suppressive bersifat menekan oppressive, suppressive, repressive, crushing yg menyesakkan nafas smothering, breathtaking, oppressive, smothery Definisi oppressive adjektiva unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group. an oppressive dictatorship sinonim: harsh, cruel, brutal, repressive, tyrannical, tyrannous, …
Terjemahan dari across preposisi diseberang across, over adverbia jarak lintas across lintang across hadap across Definisi across preposisi from one side to the other of (something). Sinonim adverbia crossways, crosswise Contoh it’s right across from the beach A lot of glass flew across the classroom and some of the children were quite alarmed. Like a …
Terjemahan dari ameliorative adjektiva bersifat memperbaiki ameliorative, reformatory, reformative yg memperbaiki correctional, ameliorative, corrective, meliorative, penitentiary Comments comments
Terjemahan dari interminable adjektiva tak berkesudahan interminable yg tak berakhir interminable tak henti-hentinya unceasing, ceaseless, incessant, continuous, perpetual, interminable terus-menerus perpetual, chronic, continual, continued, continuing, interminable terus-terusan continual, continued, continuing, eternal, constant, interminable Definisi interminable adjektiva endless (often used hyperbolically). we got bogged down in interminable discussions sinonim: (seemingly) endless, never-ending, unending, nonstop, everlasting, ceaseless, …