Terjemahan dari mush nomina bubur porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food omongan yg tolol drivel, mush Definisi mush nomina a soft, wet, pulpy mass. red lentils cook quickly and soon turn to mush sinonim: pap, pulp, slop, paste, purée, mash, porridge, gloop, goo, gook, glop, sludge, guck feeble or cloying sentimentality. the film’s not …
Terjemahan dari semantic adjektiva berkenaan dgn arti kata semantic Definisi semantic adjektiva relating to meaning in language or logic. They are self-conscious efforts to thwart the confinement of written language and its semantic limits. Contoh But, how can one discuss nonsemantic functions in language that is obdurately semantic ? In such grammars, conflicts among semantic …
Terjemahan dari consent nomina persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, endorsement izin permission, permit, license, consent, clearance, approval ijab consent, final offer, agreement, answer to prayer verba menyetujui agree, approve, accept, consent, accede, endorse mengizinkan allow, permit, authorize, consent, grant, enable mengabulkan grant, fulfill, answer, accede, accept, consent memperkenankan allow, permit, favor, approve, agree, consent …
Terjemahan dari reprimand nomina teguran warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, rowing cercaan insult, slur, lambasting, reprimand, censure, invective jeweran tweak, reprimand cerca lambasting, revilement, scorn, invective, snapper, reprimand verba menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address mencercai snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, reprimand mencerca revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend mengomeli nag, reprimand, lecture, complain, …
Terjemahan dari stymie verba menghalang block, stonewall, prevent, stymie, hinder, hold up nomina kebuntuan impasse, stymie jalan buntu stalemate, deadlock, impasse, blind alley, logjam, stymie Definisi stymie verba prevent or hinder the progress of. the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments Sinonim nomina stymy verba obstruct, embarrass, stymy, blockade, block, hinder …