Terjemahan dari foundry nomina pengecoran casting, foundry, founding, moulding penuangan pouring, casting, foundry Definisi foundry nomina a workshop or factory for casting metal. However, there is more to manufacturing than the industries which once provided the bulk of the jobs in mills, factories and foundries . Sinonim nomina metalworks Contoh Price also operated a foundry …
Terjemahan dari vexatious adjektiva yg menyusahkan troublous, vexatious, bothersome, tiresome, distressing, trying yg menjengkelkan irritating, maddening, vexing, irritant, irritative, vexatious yg mengesalkan vexatious, vexing Definisi vexatious adjektiva causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. the vexatious questions posed by software copyrights Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexing, pesky, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling, pestering,bothersome, …
Terjemahan dari desultory adjektiva yg tdk berketentuan unsure, desultory, irregular tdk karuan desultory tanpa sistem desultory yg tak ada ujung pangkal desultory acak-acakan desultory, ragged, raggy Definisi desultory adjektiva lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. a few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion sinonim: casual, cursory, superficial, token, perfunctory, half-hearted, lukewarm, random, aimless, …
Terjemahan dari temporary adjektiva sementara temporary, interim, provisional, transient, temporal, tentative Definisi temporary adjektiva lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. a temporary job sinonim: nonpermanent, short-term, interim, provisional, pro tem, makeshift, stopgap, acting, fill-in, stand-in, caretaker; brief, short-lived, momentary, fleeting, passing nomina a person employed on a temporary basis, typically an …
Terjemahan dari fiat nomina perintah command, order, instruction, injunction, behest, fiat persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, fiat Definisi fiat nomina a formal authorization or proposition; a decree. adopting a legislative review program, rather than trying to regulate by fiat sinonim: decree, edict, order, command, commandment, injunction, proclamation, mandate, dictum, diktat Sinonim nomina decree, edict, …