
Terjemahan dari perspicacious
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perspicacious, shrewd, sharp-sighted, sharp-witted
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perspicacious, shrewd, sharp-sighted
Definisi perspicacious
having a ready insight into and understanding of things.
it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter
sinonim: discerning, shrewd, perceptive, astute, penetrating, observant, percipient, sharp-witted, sharp, smart, alert, clear-sighted, farsighted, acute, clever, canny, intelligent, insightful, wise, sage, sensitive, intuitive, understanding, aware, discriminating, on the ball, heads-up, with it
  • discerning, shrewd, perceptive, astute, penetrating, observant, percipient, sharp-witted, sharp,smart, alert, clear-sighted, farsighted, acute, clever, canny, intelligent, insightful, wise, sage,sensitive, intuitive, understanding, aware, discriminating, on the ball, heads-up, with it
  • sapient, sagacious
  • clear-sighted, clear-eyed
Lebih sedikit sinonim
The feline anecdote was just one of a number of insights so perspicacious they subsequently acted as threads throughout the rest of the conference.
His book is an engaging and perspicacious exploration of the many facets, in Britain and abroad, of the old amateur game.
If only our parents could have been perspicacious enough to see our talent and force us into showbiz.
The fears expressed by this perspicacious mouthpiece of the French ruling class are far from exaggerated.
I was just wondering if maybe my perspicacious words had finally ruffled the princess’s feathers.
Would the webmaster like to comment on why my posting in this thread, which I considered to be insightful and perspicacious , was deleted?
Granted, she did the same, but in a more perspicacious , subtle way, one that didn’t scream ‘Look at me, I did a good job!’
He has written the most complete, perspicacious , and moving book that has been published to date on the Francoist repression.
If only the writer had stepped out of his own sport and background and viewed it more impersonally, then he could have written something a little more engaging and perspicacious .
This former town librarian was perspicacious in acquiring paintings by Jack B. Yeats and his circle.
I believe that, being quite perspicacious and witnessing his friends and coworkers being arrested, he understood clearly that he would not be spared for long.
But you’re not going to be reading this book for any perspicacious insight into the human condition.
Even more likely, it could be deliberate misdirection, a Nabokovian wink the author shares with the reader perspicacious enough to call his bluff.
The author of the newsletter was a perspicacious young lass.
The point is elaborated by the perspicacious professor a little later.
Physically small, these works are less about bold noise than intimate nuance, which demands aperspicacious eye.
She could tell, perspicacious as she was, that Harriet was dying to tell her something but needed the information to be directly elicited.
In a quieter way, it shows how a man perspicacious enough to see these faults in his former comrades can fail to see them still lurking within himself.
Second, I regularly have lunch with a few perspicacious psychologists and faculty members in other disciplines.
I am perspicacious enough to reconcile the fact that not all of you fine people share my perspective.
Few can observe their impulses with perspicacity .
Women don’t have the same bits as men, he says perspicaciously .
Your perspicacity in phrasing such a question is a source of wonder to me.
The poet perspicaciously told him, ‘the trouble with you is you don’t know that art is a commodity.’
There is nothing heartless about his intelligence or his perspicacity .
Artists, like great religious leaders, show amazing perspicacity in this respect.
He consistently demonstrates his ability perspicaciously to elaborate on a given scene, theme, or aspect of his novels or short stories.
It is, moreover, written with an attention to syntax commensurate with the author’s historicalperspicacity .
As he has noted so perspicaciously elsewhere, ‘it is easy to overlook the reliance of an expanding economy on this humble commodity’.
From his home in London on August 7, 1862, Karl Marx wrote a letter to Frederick Engels whichperspicaciously summed up the situation.
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