Menampilkan terjemahan untuk catatonic Terjemahkan selain dari catotonic katatonik Sarankan edit Definisi catatonic adjektiva of, relating to, or characterized by catatonia. catatonic schizophrenia Contoh catotonic I repeat: a country this catatonic , this oblivious to its own safety and to basic principles of justice, has no future. Acute and catatonic forms of the illness were …
Terjemahan dari rampage verba mengamuk rampage, rage, go berserk, ramp, ruffle, bluster meluap overflow, spill, flood, boil over, brim, rampage nomina amuk amok, amuck, fury, rampage, ramp, amock Definisi rampage nomina a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a large group of people. thugs went on a rampage and wrecked a classroom verba …
Terjemahan dari profligate adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse jangak libertine, profligate, dissolute, licentious cabul lewd, raunchy, salacious, prurient, dirty, profligate nomina pemboros spender, waster, spendthrift, wastrel, prodigal, profligate orang cendala profligate si cabul roue, profligate, reprobate, satyr, slattern orang jangak lecher, libertine, profligate Definisi profligate adjektiva recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the …
Terjemahan dari marshal nomina marsekal marshal pemimpin leader, head, director, manager, captain, marshal kepala polisi marshal perwira tinggi senior officer, marshal, flag officer pedel marshal verba menyusun arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, marshal memimpin lead, head, preside, guide, conduct, marshal Definisi marshal nomina an officer of the highest rank in the armed forces of …
Terjemahan dari derelict adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, slack yg ditinggalkan abandoned, derelict, desert, deserted, forsaken, lorn nomina orang terlantar displaced person, derelict kapal yg ditinggalkan derelict Definisi derelict adjektiva in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect. the cities were derelict and dying sinonim: dilapidated, ramshackle, run-down, tumbledown, …