Terjemahan dari tenement nomina rumah petak tenement tanah sewa tenement Definisi tenement nomina a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments. The flat was part of a refurbished block of tenements that belonged to a housing co-operative. a piece of land held by an owner. …
Terjemahan dari ersatz nomina bahan penukar ersatz Definisi ersatz adjektiva (of a product) made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else. ersatz coffee sinonim: artificial, substitute, imitation, synthetic, fake, false, faux, mock, simulated, pseudo, sham, bogus, spurious, counterfeit, manufactured, man-made, phony, wannabe Sinonim adjektiva artificial, substitute, imitation, synthetic, fake, false, …
Terjemahan dari fluffy adjektiva halus smooth, fine, subtle, delicate, refined, fluffy berbulu halus downy, fluffy, fuzzy agak mabuk tipsy, beery, fluffy, mellow, sprung, capernoited Definisi fluffy adjektiva of, like, or covered with fluff. fluffy white clouds sinonim: fleecy, woolly, fuzzy, hairy, feathery, downy, furry, soft lacking substance, depth, or seriousness. the commercial wallows in soft, …
Terjemahan dari dispatch nomina pengiriman delivery, shipment, transmission, dispatch, consignment, despatch kabar news, word, tidings, communication, dispatch, intelligence berita tertulis dispatch, despatch kiriman kilat dispatch, despatch verba mengirim send, dispatch, despatch, send forth, fire off, relegate mengutus send, dispatch, delegate, despatch memberangkatkan dispatch, despatch, send off, pack off menyuruh tell, send, have, order, enjoin, dispatch …
Terjemahan dari trumpet nomina terompet trumpet, horn, bugle bunyi terompet trumpet, toot, trumpet call slompret trumpet selompret bugle, trumpet verba menyiarkan broadcast, air, spread, relay, flash, trumpet memainkan terompet trumpet Definisi trumpet nomina a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. The modern instrument has the tubing looped to form …