Terjemahan dari frazzle nomina keletihan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, lassitude, extenuation, frazzle kelelahan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, maceration, frazzle, extenuation verba merobek-robek frazzle, tear up, mangle Definisi frazzle verba cause to feel completely exhausted; wear out. a frazzled parent nomina the state of being completely exhausted or worn out. I’m tired, worn to a frazzle Sinonim verba …
Terjemahan dari rapacious adjektiva rakus greedy, voracious, gourmand, gluttonous, rapacious, vulturine serakah greedy, rapacious, avaricious, acquisitive tamak greedy, covetous, grasping, avaricious, rapacious, acquisitive yg suka merampok rapacious yg suka menggarong rapacious Definisi rapacious adjektiva aggressively greedy or grasping. rapacious landlords sinonim: grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, mercenary, materialistic, insatiable, predatory, money-grubbing, grabby Sinonim adjektiva grasping, …
Terjemahan dari invalidate verba menghapuskan eliminate, abolish, eradicate, wipe out, blot out, invalidate membuat tdk berlaku invalidate Definisi invalidate verba make (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous. His second is that finding unpleasant – even horrible – application of a scientific theory or philosophical argument invalidates the theory. sinonim: disprove, refute, contradict, negate, …
Terjemahan dari hoodlum nomina penjahat criminal, villain, crook, gangster, felon, hoodlum preman hoodlum buaya darat blackguard, hooligan, con, hood, hoodlum, rocker orang jahat goon, ragamuffin, viper, blackguard, hoodlum, cur Definisi hoodlum nomina a person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster. He was a gangster, a hoodlum , a thug: much less …
Terjemahan dari obsequious adjektiva patuh obedient, submissive, docile, dutiful, subservient, obsequious menurut obliging, willing, dutiful, complaisant, obsequious bersifat merendahkan diri servile, obsequious Definisi obsequious adjektiva obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. they were served by obsequious waiters sinonim: servile, ingratiating, sycophantic, fawning, unctuous, oily, oleaginous, groveling, cringing, subservient, submissive, slavish, brown-nosing, bootlicking, …