
Terjemahan dari lugubrious
moody, gloomy, glum, depressed, morose, lugubrious
gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, lugubrious
penuh kesedihan
lugubrious, grievous
yg menyedihkan
pitiful, sad, miserable, dumpish, pathetic, lugubrious
Definisi lugubrious
looking or sounding sad and dismal.
And so my evening ended with the lugubrious sight and sound, fortunately unseen and unheard, of a chubby old poet singing along to a faltering self-accompaniment, working through a few old style songs.
sinonim: mournful, gloomy, sad, unhappy, doleful, glum, melancholy, woeful, miserable, woebegone, forlorn, somber, solemn, serious, sorrowful, morose, dour, cheerless, joyless, dismal, funereal, sepulchral, down in/at the mouth, dolorous
mournful, gloomy, sad, unhappy, doleful, glum, melancholy, woeful, miserable, woebegone,forlorn, somber, solemn, serious, sorrowful, morose, dour, cheerless, joyless, dismal, funereal,sepulchral, down in/at the mouth, dolorous
The mood in their haunted honky-tonk runs from lugubrious laments to boisterous boogies, drawing in touches of ragtime, country, blues and cabaret.
He has this rather lugubrious expression and a kind of lethargy that makes you wonder if he finds it a bit of a pain to keep himself alive by breathing in and out.
The furniture is of the grandest and displayed in rooms lined with panelling and tapestries – dim, because things fade in bright light, but for that reason rather lugubrious .
‘I was a unique talent,’ says John, in lugubrious tones.
One element in the puzzling Aberdeen which has changed, however, is the boss who, while still displaying the same lugubrious demeanour, has learned several savage lessons about the Premier League.
And so my evening ended with the lugubrious sight and sound, fortunately unseen and unheard, of a chubby old poet singing along to a faltering self-accompaniment, working through a few old style songs.
How else to explain the Oscar triumphs of Gladiator, Out of Africa, and the legendarily lugubrious1968 musical Oliver!?
Something in the vibration of that deep, pompous tone he adopts – the lugubrious , narcissistic fake gravity – grates on me.
A tall, lugubrious man wearing what looked suspiciously like a parka, he at first spoke so quietly nobody could hear.
I think it’s better to be a little bit humorous, not just lugubrious if you can help it.
Just as well that he’s arranged his own party: his lugubrious downer of a dad has forgotten what day it is.
‘I think of myself as pretty much an undiscovered genius,’ quips the lugubrious 47-year-old.
A large, disapproving looking woman of mature years accompanied by a lugubrious Schnauzer – both clad in sleeveless knitted jerkins – had materialised on the lawn.
Which makes Paradise Lost the ideal listen for those among you who happen to like the morelugubrious moments of Depeche Mode, or Metallica, or, preferably, both.
One will certainly be forgiven for harboring similar reservations about the religious tradition that grew up around this lugubrious symbol.
While the penultimate anti-whaling lament, The Last Leviathan, proves somewhat lugubrious , the album closes on a note of affirmation with the simple but affecting love song Running Home.
The performances are as sharp as a tack, with Sergent and Blackburn quite brilliant as the ‘cynical pustule’ Pump and the laconically lugubrious Smith.
But come on – he can be so longwinded, lugubrious , and self-indulgent.
I toured the small cemetery with its sad tombstone inscriptions, and then took the short boat trip back to Ile Royale, where a lugubrious guide pointed out the almond tree under which the guillotine used to stand.
The actor adores pranks, especially the ones that require a straight face and his familiar lugubriousdelivery.
He looks lugubriously over the sprawl of Northampton, coughs frighteningly and mops his brow.
Unfortunately, some other songs tend towards the kind of treacly lugubriousness that gives country music a bad name.
Besides helping to harmonise the King’s familial arrangements Pompadour also brought an intense injection of fun into a court environment which had tended to reflect Louis’ lugubriousness .
But despite its lugubriousness and morbidness I left the theater going over the narrative possibilities and what they implied about the characters in a surprisingly pleasant mood.
It is long, dark, lugubriously lit and, in its reticent way, it murmurs about the sheer sum of money that has been lavished on it.
‘Coming from a depressed background has paid dividends,’ he later observed with characteristiclugubriousness .
The good news is that, despite its lugubriousness , it’s still a good motion picture – a clear improvement upon episode one.
‘You are guilty of inhumanity to your fellow man,’ the voice lugubriously intones, and nothing short of a full confession of wrongs committed to all affected will save Stu.
For a while it became the archetypal maudlin pub drinking song: imagine it lugubriously belted out at closing time with a skinful of beer lubricating every voice.
‘Man is more happy when a child than ever after if I may judge by my own experience’, he recordslugubriously .
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