Terjemahan dari grovel verba merendahkan diri descend, grovel, cringe, truckle, abase oneself, demean oneself menghinakan diri grovel menyembah-nyembah grovel nomina penghinaan diri grovel Definisi grovel verba lie or move abjectly on the ground with one’s face downward. she was groveling on the floor in fear sinonim: prostrate oneself, lie, kneel, cringe Sinonim verba prostrate oneself, …
Terjemahan dari debase verba menurunkan nilai debase, deteriorate merendahkan martabat demean, debase merendahkan derajat debase, demean menurunkan mutu deteriorate, debase menghinakan humiliate, degrade, spurn, humble, contemn, debase Definisi debase verba reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade. the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama sinonim: degrade, devalue, demean, cheapen, prostitute, discredit, drag down, …
Contoh helluva Discussing books with your friend is one helluva exercise, I tell ya. It’s a wide open race and I think it’s a good thing because it’s turning into a helluva show. That’s a helluva lot of money for one member of Congress from one small company. I realised I’d just seen a really …
Terjemahan dari hassle nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas percekcokan dispute, strife, row, argument, squabble, hassle Definisi hassle nomina irritating inconvenience. the hassle of losing a high security key sinonim: inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem, trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, thorn in one’s side/flesh, fuss, aggravation, stress, headache, pain, pain in the neck verba …
Terjemahan dari sloppy adjektiva ceroboh careless, sloppy, bungling, wanton, improper, slovenly lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, sloppy berlumpur muddy, sloppy, slimy, squashy, sludgy, turbid jorok dirty, slovenly, squalid, shabby, grubby, sloppy cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish basah wet, damp, soggy, moist, fresh, sloppy berair watery, juicy, succulent, fleshy, sappy, sloppy becak sloppy, muddy, …