invade, attack, rush, overrun, stampede, besiege
violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, invade
it was all part of a grander French plan to invade Ireland
invade, attack, rush, overrun, stampede, besiege
violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, invade
it was all part of a grander French plan to invade Ireland
To be courageous or stoic in the face of adversity. Even though he was only three years old, Jonathan keep a stiff upper lip the whole time he was in the hospital recovering from his surgery. Comments comments
Terjemahan dari pique nomina kekesalan pique, vexation, dejection, exacerbation, regret, sickener kejengkelan aggravation, annoyance, irritation, indignation, exasperation, pique perasaan tersinggung displeasure, huff, pique kain pike pique verba menyinggung offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, pique melukai hati hurt, offend, gall, nettle, pique, wrong menyinggung perasaan offend, pique, wound, mortify menjengkelkan annoy, irritate, irk, spite, exasperate, pique …
Terjemahan dari crummy adjektiva tdk bagus crummy, inurbane yg tdk memuaskan unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, lame, pitiful, crummy Definisi crummy adjektiva dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality. a crummy little room Sinonim adjektiva punk, bum, sleazy, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, tinny Contoh I’m having a crummy week so far and it’s only Tuesday. I began going to the …
Terjemahan dari interest nomina bunga interest, flower, floral design, cream, the best part kepentingan interest, importance, benefit, behalf, concerns, significance minat interest, readability, fun, stake, savor, sapidity perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice keuntungan advantage, profit, benefit, gain, return, interest animo interest, zest, energy, gusto interes interest hal penting interest cam interest, attention verba …
Terjemahan dari virtuous adjektiva berbudi luhur virtuous, noble, noble-minded, high-minded saleh pious, godly, devout, virtuous, religious, holy suci holy, sacred, pure, saintly, chaste, virtuous bajik virtuous, wholesome, good berbudi tinggi virtuous gunawan virtuous, noble, useful berbudi mulia noble, virtuous, noble-minded, high-minded Definisi virtuous adjektiva having or showing high moral standards. she considered herself very virtuous …