
Terjemahan dari imbibe
absorb, permeate, imbibe, pervade, saturate, infiltrate
drink, lap up, imbibe, inhale, have a bite
drink, take, have a drink, water, consume, imbibe
imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince
Definisi imbibe
drink (alcohol).
they were imbibing far too many pitchers of beer
sinonim: drink, consume, quaff, guzzle, gulp (down), knock back, down, swill, chug; drink (alcohol), take strong drink, tipple, booze, knock a few back, hit the bottle, bend one’s elbow
  • drink, consume, quaff, guzzle, gulp (down), knock back, down, swill, chug
  • drink (alcohol), take strong drink, tipple, booze, knock a few back, hit the bottle, bend one’s elbow
  • assimilate, absorb, soak up, take in, drink in, digest, learn, acquire, grasp, pick up, familiarize oneself with
  • assimilate
  • soak up, take up, draw, suck, take in, sop up, suck up, absorb
  • drink
Lebih sedikit sinonim
if one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed
Dry seeds were allowed to imbibe water at 0°C or 22°C for 2 h and then they were placed on solidified growth medium.
As the seeds take approximately 24 h to imbibe water, a distinct enlargement of the cell wall was observed from day 1 to day 2.
The company claims that if you take this pill, you will need less alcohol to stay drunk, so will imbibeless.
But, whatever the reason, men no longer imbibe alcohol so freely, especially during the day, as they did a few years ago.
Research has found that children who imbibe soft drinks tend to consume more calories than those who don’t.
We read poems by our predecessors to imbibe the experience of life as captured by them.
The play encourages young minds to question existing norms and the children have managed toimbibe the thought of the play.
26% of Americans who drink alcohol admit they sometimes imbibe more than they should.
On completion of imbibition the drug should be passed through a number 10 sieve to break up any lumps that may have formed.
Food was eaten, alcohol imbibed , shops toured and art appraised.
Seeds were imbibed in aerated water overnight and planted in pots filled with soil.
Large seeds were imbibed in deionized water overnight.
When cucumber seeds are placed in a horizontal position for germination, initiation of peg formation becomes visible on the concave side of the transition zone between 18 h and 24 h after imbibition .
In thick-coated seeds the process of imbibition can take a long time (up to several weeks), but we needed to have uniform material comparable with that from thin-coated seeds.
The authors suggested the existence of two distinct programmes operating after seed imbibition , one driving germination and the other driving reserve mobilization during early post-germinative growth.
The site offers colourful graphics and specialty products such as T-shirts and glassware, as well as amusing quotations from some of absinthe’s most famous imbibers .
The Mongols may have imbibed ideas about manoeuvre warfare from captive Chinese, but it is more likely they did it by instinct.
When seeds are imbibed with water, the cells in the cotyledon tissues begin to expand quickly.
Seeds were imbibed in water overnight and then sown on absorbent paper in plastic trays and allowed to germinate in the dark for 6 d at which stage the hypocotyls were harvested.
Lovely, to be sure, but if it wasn’t accepted as being classic, it would upset those more obdurateimbibers with its bravura.
Until a seed imbibes water and begins to grow, weeders and cultivators have little effect.
I wonder if young medics busy imbibing knowledge and collecting degrees will see some simple truths: There is a need for more doctors in Community Medicine; and we badly want good General Practitioners.
The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days.
Seeds which had loose and damaged seed coats imbibed water very rapidly and were discarded during the first hour of imbibition.
A permeable seed imbibes water readily when available, while an impermeable one does not take up water for days or longer.
Cigar smokers and after-dinner imbibers reside next door in the even woodier Connoisseur Club.
Thirty-five days after imbibition , the length of the longest adventitious root on each plant was recorded, and the porosity of selected adventitious roots was measured.
Seeds were imbibed under tap water for 5 h and kept at 4°C for 15 h to promote synchronized germination.
When they went to summer camps, guards patrolled the perimeter and the inmates spent every waking moment imbibing the thoughts of the master.
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Terjemahan dari imbibe
absorb, permeate, imbibe, pervade, saturate, infiltrate
drink, lap up, imbibe, inhale, have a bite
drink, take, have a drink, water, consume, imbibe
imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince
Baca Juga  Cardigan
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