Terjemahan dari slump verba merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menumpuk pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit menumpukkan stack, slump, pile up, bank, jam, hoard mengumpulkan collect, gather, raise, put together, accumulate, slump jatuh keras slump duduk sit, sit down, sit up, take a seat, settle, slump bergerak dgn kurang tangkas slummock, slump reda …
Terjemahan dari misdemeanor nomina perbuatan kurang baik misdemeanor, misdemeanour pidana enteng misdemeanor, misdemeanour pelanggaran hukum yg ringan misdemeanor, misdemeanour tindak pidana yg tergolong ringan misdemeanor, misdemeanour Definisi misdemeanor nomina a minor wrongdoing. the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor sinonim: wrongdoing, evil deed, crime, felony, misdeed, misconduct, offense, error, peccadillo, transgression, …
Terjemahan dari modicum nomina jumlah sedikit modicum, tiny bit, few, tad, pittance, trifle Definisi modicum nomina a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable. his statement had more than a modicum of truth sinonim: small amount, particle, speck, fragment, scrap, crumb, grain, morsel, shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, …
Terjemahan dari maudlin adjektiva cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish mudah terharu maudlin, mawkish, sentimental, soppy Definisi maudlin adjektiva self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness. the drink made her maudlin sinonim: sentimental, oversentimental, emotional, overemotional, tearful, lachrymose, weepy, misty-eyed; mawkish, sentimental, oversweet, oversentimental, tearjerker, tearjerking, mushy, slushy, sloppy, schmaltzy, cheesy, corny, soppy, cornball, three-hankie …
Terjemahan dari rife adjektiva penuh full, complete, whole, fraught, replete, rife tersebar luas wide-spread, rife banyak many, much, ample, plentiful, considerable, rife umum general, common, public, generic, prevalent, rife biasa usual, regular, ordinary, normal, common, rife yg mempunyai banyak rife yg meluas rife, wide-spread Definisi rife adjektiva (especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common …