Terjemahan dari heirloom nomina pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom barang warisan heirloom Definisi heirloom nomina a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations. She looked around the room slowly, her eyes taking in everything from the expensive paintings and family heirlooms dotted around the room, to the Oriental rug. Contoh …
Terjemahan dari resident nomina penduduk population, resident, inhabitant, invader, occupant, habitant residen resident penghuni occupant, resident, inhabitant, tenant, inmate, denizen pemukim resident adjektiva yg tetap tinggal resident khas typical, unique, characteristic, specific, peculiar, resident Definisi resident adjektiva living somewhere on a long-term basis. he has been resident in Brazil for a long time sinonim: living, …
Terjemahan dari crummy adjektiva tdk bagus crummy, inurbane yg tdk memuaskan unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, lame, pitiful, crummy Definisi crummy adjektiva dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality. a crummy little room Sinonim adjektiva punk, bum, sleazy, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, tinny Contoh I’m having a crummy week so far and it’s only Tuesday. I began going to the …
Terjemahan dari revulsion nomina perubahan change, shift, alteration, amendment, transformation, revulsion rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, execration rasa muak revulsion, nausea, qualm, qualmishness reaksi mendadak revulsion pembelokan perhatian revulsion perubahan tiba-tiba revulsion, flip-flop Definisi revulsion nomina a sense of disgust and loathing. news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion …
Terjemahan dari snazzy adjektiva manis sweet, cute, sugary, pretty, good, snazzy hebat great, superb, terrific, fabulous, wonderful, snazzy menyolok striking, flashy, conspicuous, prominent, blatant, snazzy menyolok mata flagrant, tawdry, glaring, blatant, jazzy, snazzy Definisi snazzy adjektiva stylish and attractive. snazzy little silk dresses Contoh As anyone who’s gotten my CDs in the past can attest …