
Terjemahan dari inexorable
tdk terkalahkan
unexcelled, impregnable, inexorable, invincible, indomitable
tdk terbujuk
yg tak kenal ampun
merciless, unsparing, heartless, inexorable, hard-faced, hard-hearted
yg tdk dpt ditawar-tawar
Definisi inexorable
impossible to stop or prevent.
the seemingly inexorable march of new technology
sinonim: relentless, unstoppable, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable, unalterable, persistent, continuous, nonstop, steady, interminable, incessant, unceasing, unremitting, unrelenting
  • relentless, unstoppable, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable, unalterable,persistent, continuous, nonstop, steady, interminable, incessant, unceasing, unremitting,unrelenting
  • intransigent, unbending, unyielding, inflexible, adamant, obdurate, immovable, unshakable,implacable, unappeasable, severe, hard, unforgiving, unsparing, uncompromising, ruthless,relentless, pitiless, merciless
  • stern, grim, unappeasable, relentless, unforgiving, unrelenting
  • intransigent, adamant, adamantine
Lebih sedikit sinonim
We can turn a blind eye to theory, but neither God nor his book will protect us from evolution’sinexorable march.
The inexorable logic of expanding car ownership and use has gradually run up against the limits of road-building and the huge hidden subsidy to the auto industry which that represents.
As the Internet world continues its inexorable march towards XML, only those technologies that are built on that platform will continue to move forward.
There is no inexorable logic dictating that the media must undermine the independence of the spheres of art and culture.
We shall see in a later chapter that science owes a remarkable and mysterious debt to mathematics, but the Greeks were to some extent impeded by their very reverence for its inexorable logic.
There was no capitulation over the four kilometres and there were no errors, merely gradual submission to inexorable opponents.
There is nothing so satisfying, however, as a victory on behalf of the common man against theinexorable march of officialdom.
How should one balance past outrages with the inexorable march of progress?
The first proposition is easier to defend than the second, as it rests on inexorable logic rather than vexed value judgments.
The inexorable political logic of the ‘fair trade’ program is to split and divide the working class along national lines.
Many thought geometry’s spare base of axioms and its clean, inexorable logic was scientific knowledge at its best.
Whether this is another ‘mystery’, or just another step in what many see as an inexorable march to the discovery of life or its footprint on Mars is up to you.
Not only are most of the Asian artists absent from those histories, but modernism itself was not theinexorable forward march it is made out to be.
Death, that inexorable judge, had passed sentence on him and refused to grant him a reprieve, though two doctors were his counsel.
Call it empowerment if we must, it’s an acknowledgement of an inexorable female march into areas previously dominated by men.
The PC industry has kind of run roughshod over its users, and the excuse has always been tied to theinexorable march of technology.
There is an inexorable march of history toward freedom.
Something has got to be done to stop this inexorable rise in expenditure.
If we have false views of God, that he is an ‘ inexorable judge’ then we simply have no grounds to turn to him for salvation.
Bird flu continued its seemingly inexorable march through Asia, as Indonesia on Tuesday found a strain of the virus in its poultry flocks that can be deadly to humans.
The test will be whether good intentions can be reconciled with the inexorable march of progress.
Science can indeed be seen as a progression of more and more useful metaphors, but as Thomas Kuhn has shown it is not an inexorable march from ignorance to truth.
Before these inexorable judges, for five days, the world of Italian fashion presented its collections.
There is an inexorable logic to harnessing technology to democracy in the same way as it has been done in so many other facets of our lives.
Steel prices began to rise inexorably last year and continued to do so until recently.
The camera’s frequent slow dollies backwards, from a small detail to the wider scene, echo the plot’s revelations and the inexorability of fate.
As the current standard-bearers for mankind, we must also bear the heavy burden of being its worst incarnation yet, and that, with the inexorability of time, things can only get worse.
The pressure to provide care home places is rising inexorably at a time when the number of places is falling.
Death, its inexorability , and our fear of it render us as helpless as when we were toddlers.
Parents will have to dig ever deeper into their pockets to pay fees that inexorably rise year by year.
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