Vigilante artinya seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang main hakim sendiri tanpa otoritas legal. Apa ya padanan katanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Preman? Ah, gak tepat juga. Rasa bahasanya gak dapat. Preman itu memang pekerjaan ilegal. Tapi preman khan gak berhubungan dengan membasmi kejahatan seperti yang dilakukan oleh para Vigilante seperti Batman atau Green Arrow. Contoh kalimat …
Terjemahan dari canine nomina anjing dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow taring canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth gigi taring canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth gigi asu dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid adjektiva berkenaan dgn anjing canine Definisi canine adjektiva of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs. canine distemper …
Terjemahan dari stoic adjektiva sangat tabah stoic, stoical yg pandai menahan nafsunya stoic, stoical nomina orang yg sangat tabah stoic Definisi stoic adjektiva of or belonging to the Stoics or their school of philosophy. I found the juxtaposition naive, given my background in Stoic philosophy of managing the passions in public life. nomina a person …
Menggugah Definisi evocative adjektiva bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. powerfully evocative lyrics sinonim: reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving, poignant Sinonim adjektiva reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving,poignant redolent, resonant, reminiscent, remindful Contoh This image is perhaps the most detailed and least evocative of those on …
Terjemahan dari chummy adjektiva akrab familiar, intimate, close, chummy, great, fast karib intimate, chummy, fast Definisi chummy adjektiva on friendly terms; friendly. she’s become pretty chummy with Ted lately sinonim: friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy Sinonim adjektiva friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy buddy-buddy, thick pally, …