Definisi Podunk nomina a hypothetical small town regarded as typically dull or insignificant. she lived in a Podunk town notable for nothing except the girls’ school where she taught art Lihat juga podunk Comments comments
Terjemahan dari concussion nomina gegar concussion, shaking, swaying benturan keras concussion gegaran concussion, shaking, swaying goncangan keras concussion Definisi concussion nomina temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. The term is also used loosely of the aftereffects such as confusion or temporary incapacity. The development of a better understanding of mild concussion is …
Terjemahan dari dissimulator nomina penipu swindler, cheater, deceiver, trickster, cheat, dissimulator orang yg pura-pura dissembler, dissimulator, malingerer, shammer Sinonim dissimulator nomina dissembler, phony, pretender, hypocrite, phoney Comments comments
Terjemahan dari geriatric adjektiva geriatrik geriatric Definisi geriatric adjektiva of or relating to old people, especially with regard to their health care. a geriatric hospital nomina an old person, especially one receiving special care. a rest home for geriatrics Sinonim adjektiva gerontological Contoh geriatic I’ve still got a long time left in me and I …
Terjemahan dari desultory adjektiva yg tdk berketentuan unsure, desultory, irregular tdk karuan desultory tanpa sistem desultory yg tak ada ujung pangkal desultory acak-acakan desultory, ragged, raggy Definisi desultory adjektiva lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. a few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion sinonim: casual, cursory, superficial, token, perfunctory, half-hearted, lukewarm, random, aimless, …