Terjemahan dari errand nomina urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, errand suruhan messenger, errand, order, telling, wish pesanan order, message, commission, errand pesan message, order, word, request, reservation, errand Definisi errand nomina a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, often on someone else’s behalf. she asked Tim to run an errand …
Terjemahan dari snitch verba mengadu complain, pit, snitch, contest, fink, sneak mengadukan denounce, tell, tattle, snitch, squeal, charge mencuri steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, snitch nomina pengadu complainant, rounder, fink, plaintiff, snitch, tattletale hidung nose, snout, sneezer, snitch, boko, boco Definisi snitch nomina an informer. Well, being a snitch or an informant does not make …
Terjemahan dari obviate verba meniadakan negate, abolish, exclude, nullify, obviate, deny menghindarkan avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive menyingkirkan get rid of, remove, rule out, eliminate, do away, obviate Definisi obviate verba remove (a need or difficulty). the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains sinonim: preclude, prevent, remove, get rid of, do away with, …
Terjemahan dari malady nomina penyakit disease, illness, sickness, ailment, ill, malady Definisi malady nomina a disease or ailment. an incurable malady sinonim: illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction, infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus Sinonim nomina illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction,infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus illness, unwellness, sickness Contoh Maybe mad …
Terjemahan dari instigate verba menghasut incite, instigate, stir up, provoke, foment, bolster mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, instigate menggosok rub, scrub, polish, scour, wipe, instigate memberangsangkan make angry, instigate, incite menganjurkan recommend, advocate, encourage, suggest, advise, instigate memprovokasi provoke, instigate Definisi instigate verba bring about or initiate (an action or event). they instigated a …