Terjemahan dari slump verba merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menumpuk pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit menumpukkan stack, slump, pile up, bank, jam, hoard mengumpulkan collect, gather, raise, put together, accumulate, slump jatuh keras slump duduk sit, sit down, sit up, take a seat, settle, slump bergerak dgn kurang tangkas slummock, slump reda …
Terjemahan dari pernicious adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, pernicious buruk bad, poor, shabby, ill, nasty, pernicious yg merugikan prejudicial, injurious, calamitous, adverse, damnific, pernicious yg merusak baneful, mordant, detrimental, pestilential, deleterious, pernicious Definisi pernicious adjektiva having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. the pernicious influences of the mass media …
Terjemahan dari intrude verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, intrude memaksakan impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, intrude masuk tanpa diundang crash in, intrude Definisi intrude verba put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. he had no right to intrude into their lives (of igneous rock) be forced …
Terjemahan dari covert adjektiva tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult bersuami married, covert, hitched, ringed samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, covert samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, covert tdk terang-terangan covert, devious, hole-and-corner nomina persembunyian hewan covert hutan lebat covert semak lebat covert Definisi covert adjektiva not openly acknowledged or displayed. covert operations …
Terjemahan dari penance nomina penebusan dosa penance, atonement, expiation, satisfaction pertapaan hermitage, retreat, asceticism, penance, reclusion, retirement Definisi penance nomina voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong. he had done public penance for those hasty words sinonim: atonement, expiation, self-punishment, self-mortification, self-abasement, amends, punishment, penalty a Christian sacrament in …