
vibrant, enthusiastic, spirited, keen, viable, fervid
flaming, fiery, aflame, aglow, vivid, fervid
passionate, enthusiastic, skittish, zippy, keen, fervid
hot, thermal, warm, burning, scalding, fervid
  • Two decades ago, his band the Pogues achieved a certain popularity with a fervid stew of traditional folk and punkish energy, and dreamy poetic licence.
  • That is: the prevalent imagery of society is no longer focused on institutional structures, on embodied manners of acting and thinking, but on the tone, fervid or cool, of states of mind.
  • Some with the greatest access of luster equal the colors of painters, others the fervid flames of sulphur, or fires quickened with oil.
  • Anyway, in all my fervid imaginings, I never saw her with my mug in her hand, because I believed she’d learnt it was mine.
  • Margaret Mary again mentions the fervid fire that felt like it would consume her.
  • And the atmosphere of today’s Europe is different: Back then, the fervid , revanchist nationalism of the losers traded blows with the victory-happy nationalism of the winners.
  • There’s even a few of them mentioned in the Bible, but that may just be a jolly good novel and the figment of someone’s fervid imagination.
  • At times we see demonstrations, like the ones we just saw in your report, that seem very, very fervid .
  • He brought to journalism a sense of mission – a fervid devotion to blunt truth-telling and historical witness.
  • To dirt, chaos, maharajas, beggars, cows on the road, roaring rivers, fervid sunshine, unpredictability, and loud laughter.
  • No great surprise there, except that this common-sense finding demolishes the implied presumptions offervid gun control advocates.
  • Imagine stopping right in the middle of your fervid workday and taking a three-hour break.
  • Within a year, they found capital and a venue (a hidden courtyard just off New Bond Street), and launched Hush, to some acclaim and fervid celebrity interest.
  • I don’t have the feeling that he is a fervid prosecutor in the sense that he thinks that anyone accused of something must be guilty.
  • They are also, in many ways, fervid advocates of 19th- and early 20th-century American views of international politics.
  • Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint.
  • A New Museum retrospective suggests that Adrian Piper’s aggressively provocative work is as much the product of her genes as of her fervid talent.
  • This is the charm of spiritual tourism, of course, but it is only another form of consumer frenzy, thefervid acquisition of knowledge, boogie fever.
  • First, where do these kids (and they are still minors) get their fervid imaginations from?
  • He will seize any opportunity to pontificate, expressing his views with fervid self-assurance and with little concern for time constraints or his audience.
  • Imagine a country with no McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s (the restaurant) or any other fervid fryers of French fries.
  • This fervid belief is essential to overcoming the inevitable dissenters and roadblocks that arise when challenging conventional notions.
  • Combined with fervid Methodism, you’ve got ruthless certainty.
  • ‘Kofuku,’ the voice called again, this time more intensely and fervidly .
  • A maverick and visionary artist, fervidly dedicated to the perpetuation of South Indian culture, S. Rajam has painted his dreams his way.
  • Singer’s archeological inventory details the ‘curious intimacy’ of excavation, as each man fervidlydeclares his abject passion for Cinna and accuses the other of victimizing her.
  • Do you remember being mystified by a student fervidly typing away on a PDA during the middle of a test?
  • On December 9, 1870, Tolstoy announced to his wife that he was going to learn Greek and began immersing himself in the language fervidly on an almost daily basis: Xenophon, some Plato, above all, Homer.
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