Sumber Artikel It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Terjemahan dari hellish adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, hellish kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, hellish Definisi hellish adjektiva of or like hell. an unearthly, hellish landscape sinonim: infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, satanic, demonic, evil, wicked adverbia extremely (used for emphasis). it was hellish expensive Sinonim adjektiva infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, …
Terjemahan dari cursory adjektiva sepintas lalu passing, cursory, casual, fleeting, fugacious singkat brief, shorter, concise, curt, succinct, cursory sambil lalu casual, cursory, circumstantial tanpa perhatian khusus cursory, perfunctory tergesa-gesa hurried, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, rash, cursory Definisi cursory adjektiva hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed. a cursory glance at the figures sinonim: perfunctory, desultory, casual, …
Terjemahan dari shimmer verba berkilau sparkle, shimmer, glisten, glitter, glare, glint berkelip twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, shimmer berkelip-kelip glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer nomina kilau luster, sparkle, sheen, shine, shimmer, scintillation cahaya gemerlap shimmer cahaya yg berkilau-kilau shimmer Definisi shimmer nomina a soft, slightly wavering light. a pale shimmer of moonlight sinonim: glint, …
Terjemahan dari pugnacious adjektiva garang fierce, ferocious, violent, pugnacious, vivid, truculent yg suka berkelahi bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy Definisi pugnacious adjektiva eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight. the increasingly pugnacious demeanor of politicians sinonim: combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose, warlike, quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, disputatious, hostile, threatening, truculent, fiery, hot-tempered Sinonim adjektiva combative, …