Terjemahan dari coxcombical adjektiva pesolek trig, foppish, nifty, dandified, nobby, coxcombical puas akan diri sendiri smug, coxcombical, complacent, self-complacent, self-contented, self-righteous Comments comments
Terjemahan dari battler nomina pejuang fighter, warrior, combatant, partisan, battler Definisi battler nomina a person who battles or fights. But the credence of his claims was reinforced by the fact that the Brockton-born battler was smaller in stature than most he fought. Sinonim nomina combatant, scrapper, fighter, belligerent Contoh Carol, 61, of Chelsea Street, Keighley, …
Terjemahan dari mush nomina bubur porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food omongan yg tolol drivel, mush Definisi mush nomina a soft, wet, pulpy mass. red lentils cook quickly and soon turn to mush sinonim: pap, pulp, slop, paste, purée, mash, porridge, gloop, goo, gook, glop, sludge, guck feeble or cloying sentimentality. the film’s not …
Terjemahan dari impediment nomina halangan obstacle, hitch, obstruction, hindrance, drawback, impediment rintangan obstacle, hurdle, barrier, hindrance, impediment, handicap kesulitan trouble, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, impediment kesukaran difficulty, trouble, hardship, distress, adversity, impediment hal bicara gagap impediment kegagapan impediment, stammer cacat dlm bicara speech defect, impediment cacad dlm bicara speech defect, impediment Definisi impediment nomina a …
Terjemahan dari pane nomina kaca jendela windowpane, pane Definisi pane nomina a single sheet of glass in a window or door. Doors with glass panes require a double-cylinder deadbolt to prevent someone from breaking the glass, reaching in and unlocking the door. Sinonim nomina window glass, pane of glass superman, window pane, zen, dose, dot, …