Terjemahan dari harrowing adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, harrowing yg menyiksa torturous, harrowing, excruciating Definisi harrow adjektiva acutely distressing. a harrowing film about racism and violence verba draw a harrow over (land). Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds. cause distress to. Todd could take …
Terjemahan dari disfigure verba menjelekkan vilify, disfigure, speak ill of, besmirch, disfeature menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, disfigure membuat cacat deform, disfigure, disfeature membuat cacad disfigure, deform, disfeature Definisi disfigure verba spoil the attractiveness of. litter disfigures the countryside sinonim: mar, spoil, deface, scar, blemish, uglify, damage, injure, impair, blight, mutilate, deform, maim, ruin, …
Terjemahan dari hassle nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas percekcokan dispute, strife, row, argument, squabble, hassle Definisi hassle nomina irritating inconvenience. the hassle of losing a high security key sinonim: inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem, trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, thorn in one’s side/flesh, fuss, aggravation, stress, headache, pain, pain in the neck verba …
Terjemahan dari suffix nomina akhiran suffix, termination, flexion, flection, terminal, variation sufiks suffix, particle Definisi suffix nomina a morpheme added at the end of a word to form a derivative, e.g., -ation , -fy , -ing , -itis. But the Eskimoan language group uses an extraordinary system of multiple, recursively addable derivational suffixes for word …
Terjemahan dari timorous adjektiva malu ashamed, embarrassed, shy, timid, sheepish, timorous malu-malu shy, bashful, embarrassed, chary, humble, timorous pengejut fainthearted, timorous, rabbit-hearted, lily-livered gugup nervous, jittery, jumpy, twitchy, confused, timorous takut-takutan coward, rabbit-hearted, craven, currish, timid, timorous Definisi timorous adjektiva showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence. a timorous voice Sinonim …