Capsize artinya terbalik, misalnya seperti perahu yang terbalik di air Contoh Kalimat Untuk Pemahaman : After losing their first race Bristol 1 benefited from a capsize by a London boat in the second race and went on to convincingly win the third to make it into the final. In full view of the finish I …
Terjemahan dari betrayal nomina pengkhianatan betrayal, treason, treachery, denunciation, denouncement, treacherousness kekhianatan betrayal, treason Sinonim betrayal nomina disloyalty, treachery, bad faith, faithlessness, falseness, duplicity, deception, double-dealing,breach of faith, breach of trust, stab in the back, double-cross, sellout, perfidy perfidy, treachery, treason Contoh the betrayal by the French of their own refugees these developments represented a …
Terjemahan dari resent verba benci hate, loathe, dislike, resent, detest, abhor marah get angry, be angry, get mad, be mad, resent, blow up merasa tersinggung resent, take umbrage, take exception to, huff, nurse a grievance menyebalkan resent, cause resentment merasa sakit hati resent, huff, take exception, nurse a grievance Definisi resend verba feel bitterness or …
Terjemahan dari reward nomina hadiah gift, prize, reward, present, award, bounty ganjaran reward, retribution, punishment, consideration, payment, desert upah wage, pay, reward, salary, fee, hire pahala reward, merit, desert hukuman punishment, penalty, sentence, conviction, chastisement, reward pituas compensation, reward, wage verba menghargai appreciate, respect, value, cherish, reward, honor membalas reply, return, avenge, retaliate, respond, reward …
Terjemahan dari perilous adjektiva berbahaya dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious penuh bahaya perilous membahayakan dangerous, harmful, endangering, perilous, unsafe, pestiferous penuh risiko hazardous, perilous, wildcat, chanceful Definisi perilous adjektiva full of danger or risk. a perilous journey south sinonim: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, …