Terjemahan dari infatuation nomina keberahian infatuation, passion, allurement hal jatuh cinta infatuation hal jatuh hati infatuation kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi infatuation nomina an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. he had developed an infatuation with the girl Sinonim nomina crush, calf love, puppy love Contoh he had developed an infatuation …
Terjemahan dari showdown nomina pertikaian contention, showdown, dissension, controversy, difference bentrokan clash, collision, showdown, quarrel, run-in pernyataan terus terang showdown Definisi showdown nomina a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute. Even the final showdown with the Green Goblin is premised as an ethical problem. sinonim: confrontation, clash, face-off Sinonim nomina confrontation, clash, …
Terjemahan dari string nomina tali rope, line, cord, string, belt, bond deretan row, line, alignment, string, aligning, tier senar string, chord, catgut benang yarn, thread, string, sewings rangkaian series, concatenation, sequence, chain, suite, string rentetan series, sequence, chain, round, string, concatenation untai strand, string, thread, garland, couplet, rope deret row, progression, line, tier, string, rank …
Terjemahan dari manner nomina cara way, how, manner, means, mode, method sikap attitude, gesture, manner, demeanor, posture, pose gaya style, force, fashion, manner, genre, energy macam kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species ragam manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim olah manner, trick rentak behavior, tramp, time, measure, manner, behaviour lagu song, tune, piece, melody, number, …
Terjemahan dari desperately adverbia mati-matian all out, desperately, furiously Definisi desperately adverbia in a way that shows despair. he looked around desperately sinonim: in desperation, in despair, despairingly, in anguish, in distress, wretchedly, hopelessly, desolately, forlornly Sinonim adverbia in desperation, in despair, despairingly, in anguish, in distress, wretchedly, hopelessly,desolately, forlornly seriously, critically, gravely, severely, …