Swiver artinya memutar, memutarkan, atau putaran a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other. Patented swivel axle keeps all three wheels on the ground even on sharp turns. turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. he swiveled in the chair sinonim: turn, rotate, revolve, pivot, swing, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, gyrate, pirouette Contoh In my opinion the best …
Terjemahan dari allusion nomina kiasan metaphor, allusion, allegory, simile, similitude, hint ibarat parable, allusion sindiran satire, insinuation, innuendo, hint, allusion, teasing Definisi allusion nomina an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. an allusion to Shakespeare sinonim: reference to, mention of, suggestion of, hint to, intimation …
Terjemahan dari pernicious adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, pernicious buruk bad, poor, shabby, ill, nasty, pernicious yg merugikan prejudicial, injurious, calamitous, adverse, damnific, pernicious yg merusak baneful, mordant, detrimental, pestilential, deleterious, pernicious Definisi pernicious adjektiva having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. the pernicious influences of the mass media …
Menggugah Definisi evocative adjektiva bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. powerfully evocative lyrics sinonim: reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving, poignant Sinonim adjektiva reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving,poignant redolent, resonant, reminiscent, remindful Contoh This image is perhaps the most detailed and least evocative of those on …
Terjemahan dari appease verba menenangkan calm, soothe, appease, quiet, pacify, compose meredakan ease, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, calm, appease menenteramkan reassure, calm, pacify, placate, appease, rest memenuhi tuntutan appease menyanjungkan praise, appease Definisi appease verba pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups sinonim: conciliate, placate, …