Capsize artinya terbalik, misalnya seperti perahu yang terbalik di air Contoh Kalimat Untuk Pemahaman : After losing their first race Bristol 1 benefited from a capsize by a London boat in the second race and went on to convincingly win the third to make it into the final. In full view of the finish I …
Terjemahan dari discern verba melihat see, view, look, notice, sight, discern memahami understand, grasp, comprehend, realize, conceive, discern mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince Definisi discern verba perceive or recognize (something). I can discern no difference between the two policies Sinonim verba perceive, make out, pick out, detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, …
Terjemahan dari agitator nomina agitator agitator penghasut instigator, firebrand, agitator, incendiary pembakar burner, incendiary, firebug, agitator jelatang nettle, stinging nettle, agitator pemutar dlm mesin cuci otomatis agitator Definisi agitator nomina a person who urges others to protest or rebel. an activist and agitator who fought for striking miners sinonim: troublemaker, rabble-rouser, agent provocateur, demagogue, incendiary, …
Terjemahan dari feigned adjektiva tiruan artificial, counterfeit, semblant, dummy, simulated, feigned dibuat-buat artificial, illusive, mock, synthetic, synthetical, feigned pura-pura pretended, affected, assumed, seeming, mock, feigned dibikin-bikin affected, airy, far-fetched, forced, strained, feigned Definisi feign adjektiva simulated or pretended; insincere. her eyes widened with feigned shock verba pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or …
Terjemahan dari eminence nomina keunggulan excellence, superiority, primacy, supremacy, predominance, eminence bukit hill, mount, heights, eminence, swell, knap keutamaan virtue, superiority, eminence, eminency kemasyhuran fame, notoriety, renown, spurs, luster, eminence kebesaran greatness, grandeur, majesty, magnificence, pomp, eminence kedudukan terkemuka eminency, eminence tempat yg tinggi eminence, eminency Definisi eminence nomina fame or recognized superiority, especially within …