Terjemahan dari impair verba merusak ruin, spoil, undermine, harm, impair, corrupt mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, impair melemahkan weaken, attenuate, dilute, sap, impair, debilitate mengurangi decrease, cut, mitigate, lessen, alleviate, impair menghalangi prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, impair Definisi impair verba weaken or damage something (especially a human faculty or function). drug use that …
Terjemahan dari discipline nomina disiplin discipline mata pelajaran subject, course, study, discipline kedisiplinan discipline, training ketertiban order, orderliness, discipline, neatness mata kuliah course, subject, study, discipline Definisi discipline nomina the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. a lack of proper parental and school discipline …
erjemahan dari obese adjektiva gendut obese, bloated, tubby, corpulent, pregnant, very profitable gepuk obese, fat gemuk sekali obese Definisi obese adjektiva grossly fat or overweight. It is estimated that more than one in five Britons is now classed as obese and three-quarters are overweight. sinonim: fat, overweight, corpulent, gross, stout, fleshy, heavy, portly, plump, paunchy, …
Terjemahan dari stymie verba menghalang block, stonewall, prevent, stymie, hinder, hold up nomina kebuntuan impasse, stymie jalan buntu stalemate, deadlock, impasse, blind alley, logjam, stymie Definisi stymie verba prevent or hinder the progress of. the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments Sinonim nomina stymy verba obstruct, embarrass, stymy, blockade, block, hinder …
Terjemahan dari ravine nomina jurang gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink ngarai canyon, ravine, precipice, chasm, hope gaung echo, resonance, reverberation, hole, ravine lurah headman, groove, ravine tahang ravine Definisi ravine nomina a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides. I can hide from the patrols, using ravines and deep gorges. sinonim: gorge, canyon, gully, couloir, …