Estranged artinya terasing Estrange artinya menjauhkan, merenggangkan, atau menjadi asing Beberapa Contoh Kalimat : Eliza throws Alex and Maggie a wedding shower, which causes Maggie to reach out to her estranged father. Supergirl joins J’onn on a personal mission. Lola’s mom alleges that her estranged husband threatened to kill her, Lola and his other children …
Terjemahan dari flabby adjektiva lembek mushy, soft, flabby, flaccid, soggy, weak lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, flabby lembut soft, tender, delicate, creamy, mild, flabby gembur loose, crumbly, friable, flabby lunak soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, flabby lemah hati soft, tame, flabby, flaccid lembut hati meek, tender, mild, suave, easygoing, flabby Definisi flabby adjektiva (of …
Terjemahan dari flunk verba gagal fail, flop, collapse, flunk, fizzle out, bust menggagalkan thwart, frustrate, foil, mess up, defeat, flunk jatuh fall, fall down, fall off, tumble, crash, flunk menjatuhkan drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, flunk memecat fire, sack, ax, expel, terminate, flunk Definisi flunk verba fail to reach the required standard in (an …
Terjemahan dari vexatious adjektiva yg menyusahkan troublous, vexatious, bothersome, tiresome, distressing, trying yg menjengkelkan irritating, maddening, vexing, irritant, irritative, vexatious yg mengesalkan vexatious, vexing Definisi vexatious adjektiva causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. the vexatious questions posed by software copyrights Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexing, pesky, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling, pestering,bothersome, …
Terjemahan dari devise verba merancang devise, plan, contrive, stake, map out merencanakan plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, chart memikirkan think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, devise menemukan find, come across, discover, locate, have, devise mendapatkan get, obtain, gain, have, find, devise memikir think, consider, speculate, ponder, care, devise Definisi devise nomina a clause in a will …