Terjemahan dari delude verba menipu deceive, fool, cheat, trick, defraud, delude memperdaya deceive, trick, outwit, bamboozle, delude, beguile menyesatkan mislead, pervert, delude, hoodwink membohongi deceive, delude, hoax, dupe, hoodwink, queer memperdayakan deceive, wile, bamboozle, trick, delude, beguile Definisi delude verba impose a misleading belief upon (someone); deceive; fool. too many theorists have deluded the public …
Terjemahan dari grisly adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, grisly yg menakuntukan grisly Definisi grisly adjektiva causing horror or disgust. the town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes sinonim: gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling, horrible, horrendous, grim, awful, dire, dreadful, terrible, horrific, shocking, appalling, abominable, loathsome, abhorrent, odious, …
Terjemahan dari perennial adjektiva abadi eternal, lasting, timeless, immortal, perennial, enduring tahan lama durable, perennial, serviceable, wear-resistant kekal eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perennial tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian nomina tumbuhan yg tetap hijau perennial Definisi perennial adjektiva lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. his perennial …
Terjemahan dari opulent adjektiva mewah luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, opulent kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, opulent makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, opulent Definisi opulent adjektiva ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. the opulent comfort of a limousine sinonim: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, lavish, lavishly appointed, rich, …
Terjemahan dari fearless adjektiva tak kenal takut fearless, undaunted tdk takut fearless, undaunted, dauntless yg tdk gentar fearless, unperturbed Definisi fearless adjektiva lacking fear. a fearless defender of freedom sinonim: bold, brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, valorous, gallant, plucky, lionhearted, heroic, daring, audacious, indomitable, doughty, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, gutsy, gutty, spunky, ballsy, feisty, skookum Sinonim adjektiva …