Berlatih Vocabulary dan Listening Comprehension dari lagu Prince Ali

Berlatih Vocabulary dan Listening Comprehension dari lagu Prince Ali

Jika dulu di tahun 1992 film Aladin tampil dalam format animasi, dalam remake nya kali ini, tampil dalam kemasan film yang lebih real. Satu hal yang menarik, seperti dulu saat Beauty and The Beast dibuat ulang, adalah semua detail-detailnya dibuat persis sama, termasuk semua themesong-nya tentunya. 

Tahun 92 saya baru masuk kuliah. Saat ini, saya nonton bareng anak-anak saya. Saya menyarankan mereka untuk menghafal lagu-lagunya sebagai bagian dari proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mereka. 

Diantara semua lagu-lagu di film Aladin, lagu Prince Ali ini termasuk agak susah ditangkap oleh para pemula yang baru belajar Bahasa Inggris. Di lagu ini, selain pengucapannya cepat, juga terdapat banyak kosa kata informal yang jarang diajarkan dalam buku-buku standar pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat SD dan SMP. Itu sebabnya saya buat artikel khusus yang berkenaan dengan  penekanan pada beberapa kosa kata tersebut. 

Jika dibandingkan, menurut saya sih antara versi 92 yang dinyanyikan Robin Williams maupun versi 2019 yang dinyanyikan Will Smith ini sama bagusnya. Versi animasi memang lebih terlihat kocak. Satu lagi,  versi 2019 ini terdengar lebih nge-bass, dengan sentuhan instrumen musik yang lebih modern. Semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman pembaca blog ini…

Sumber Vocabulary

Make way
For Prince Ali!
Say: “Hey!
It’s Prince Ali!”
(Genie)Hey clear the way in the ol’ bazaar
Hey you! Let us through-
it’s a bright new star
Oh come be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way!
Here he comes!
Ring bells!
Bang the drums!
Ah! You’re gonna love this guy!
Prince Ali – fabulous he – Ali Ababwa
Genuflect, show some respect:
Down on one knee.
Now try your best to stay calm,
Brush off your sunday salaam,
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!
Prince Ali – mighty is he – Ali Ababwa
Strong as ten regular men definitely
He faced the galloping hordes!
A hundred bad guys with swords!
Who sent those goons to their lords?
(All)Why- Prince Ali!
(Men)He’s got seventy-five golden camels
Don’t they look lovely June?
(Girls)Purple peacocks he’s got fifty-three!
(Genie as female newscaster)
Fabulous darling, I love the feathers.
(Genie)When it comes to exotic type mammals…
Has he gotta zoo-
I’m tellin’ you!
(All)It’s a world class menagerie!
Prince Ali – handsome as he – Ali Ababwa
That physique! How can I speak? Weak at the knee…
Well get on out in that square
Adjust your veil and prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
(Townspeople)He’s got ninety-five white Persian monkeys
(Guards)He’s got the monkeys!
Lets see the monkeys!
(Townspeople)And to view them he charges no fee!
(Townswomen)He’s generous! So generous!
(All)He’s got slaves, he’s got servants and flunkies.
Proud to work for him-
They bow to his whim-
Love serving him!
They’re just lousy with loyalty
To Ali!
Prince Ali!
Prince Ali -glamorous he – Ali Ababwa!
(Genie)Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see.
And that good people is why-
He got dolled up and dropped by!
(Townspeople)With sixty elephants
Llamas galore
With his bears and lions
A brass band and more!
With forty fakirs, his cooks and bakers
And birds that warble on key!
Make way!
For Prince Ali!
  • genuflect – bertekuk lutut
  • brush up – menepis 
  • coterie – a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.
  • galloping hordes – segerombolan orang yg berlari kencang
  • gallop – mencongklang, berlari kencang
  • hordes – gerombolan, kumpulan, orang banyak
  • goons – para penjahat
  • menagerie – a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for the exhibition.
  • gawk – melongo, mengaga, stare openly and stupidly
  • grovel – merendahkan diri, menyembah-nyembah
  • flunkies – bujang, pelayan laki-laki
  • whim – a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.
  • amorous – showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
  • dolled up – boneka
  • dropped by
  • galore – in abundance, kelimpahan
  • warble – berkicau, menyanyi, a warbling sound or utterance.
  • make way – membuka jalan
  • lousy – jelek, buruk

