Salah satu cara belajar Bahasa Inggris yang efektif adalah banyak nonton film dan mendengarkan lagu. Teman-teman yang hobi nonton film dan mendengarkan lagu, tentu sangat familiar dengan kata-kata AIN’T, WANNA GOTTA, Wanna sudah bukan kata-kata asing lagi di telinga kita. Masalahnya, istilah-istilah tersebut gak pernah diajarin sama guru bahasa Inggris kita di sekolah, kecuali mungkin kalau guru bahasa Inggris teman-teman udah gaul., he he…
Ain’t biasa digunakan untuk menyingkat auxiliary for adjective (kata bantu untuk kata sifat) dalam bentuk negatif, seperti is not, am not, are not. Bisa juga untuk menyingkat have not, dan has not.
- Sometimes in order to move on, time just ain’t enough to heal everything.
- I ain’t kidding, I missed you so much.
- You are the new kid, right? I ain’t seen you before in this place.
- Once a liar, she’ll always be. Trust me, she ain’t going to tell you the truth.
- It’s ain’t a love song, Bon Jovi
- Sometime Love Just Ain’t Enough, Patty Smith
- Ain’t My Fault, Zara Larsson
Wanna merupakan singkatan dari want to yang berarti “ingin” atau want a yang berarti “ingin satu”.
Baku: I hate being home alone. Everyone is going and now my mom too. I want to go with my mom.
Tidak baku: I hate being home alone. Everyone is going and now my mom too. I wanna go with my mom.
Baku: Today is so hot, right? How about we go to that fruit store? I want to drink a glass of orange juice.
Tidak baku: Today is so hot, right? How about we go to that fruit store? I wanna drink a glass of orange juice.
Baku: My brother’s dream comes true. His wife is now pregnant with a baby girl. He always wants to have a baby girl.
Tidak baku: My brother’s dream comes true. His wife is now pregnant with a baby girl. He always wanna have a baby girl.
Baku: He makes me drop out of school. It’s not even my mistake. I don’t want to see him again, ever.
Tidak baku: He makes me drop out of school. It’s not even my mistake. I don’t wanna see him again, ever.
Kata ini paling sering dipakai dalam percakapan atau dialog. Artinya “akan” melakukan suatu kegiatan yang sudah direcanakan. umumnya diawali dengan to be/is am are.
Baku: I’m so busy right now. I have a lot of things going on. I’m going to text you later, okay?
Tidak baku: I’m so busy right now. I have a lot of things going on. I’m gonna text you later, okay?
Baku: So, welcome to this company. Today, I’m going to explain to you all about your main job and you daily task.
Tidak baku: So, welcome to this company. Today, I’m gonna explain to you all about your main job and you daily task.
Baku: Hey! Did you bring everything? You remember you are going to accompany me to do our project in the library, right?
Tidak baku: Hey! Did you bring everything? You remember you are gonna accompany me to do our project in the library, right?
Baku: Keep your head on the game guys! Okay? Help your friend, stay focus and don’t worry, we are going to win this game.
Tidak baku: Keep your head on the game guys! Okay? Help your friend, stay focus and don’t worry, we are gonna win this game.
Gotta merupakan singkatan dari kata got to. Kata ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keharusan yang cukup mendesak.
Baku: He got to tell me now
Tidak baku: He’s gotta tell me now.
Baku: Since we’ve been together for quite long, I got to have your attention now.
Tidak baku: Since we’ve been together for quite long, I gotta get your attention now.
Baku: Have you seen this film trailer? God it’s so cool! We got to watch this movie.
Tidak baku: Have you seen this film trailer? God it’s so cool! We gotta watch this movie.
Baku: Your parent is watching you from the audience seats. You got to make them proud.
Tidak baku: Your parent is watching you from the audience seats. You gotta make them proud.
Gotta take a little time… a little time to think it’s over..