The Hammy Old Days

The Hammy Old Days

Actors depend upon their ability to gesticulate almost as much as upon speech to obtain their desired histrionic effects. With them, gesture serves much more than merely to augment speech. When their communication is by gesture alone, it is called pantomime. In the early silent motion picture period, gestures were flamboyant. To show that he was distraught about the danger of in which the heroine had been placed, the hero would go through the most fatuous actions. He would stagger, beat his breast, tear his hair, and contort his face into the most doleful appearance. There weren’t many simple or restrained gestures in his repertoire. The heroine, to indicate her love, would fling her arms wide and ardently jump into her sweetheart’s arm. It was only much later that the actor became skilled enough to communicate with the audience through discreet gestures and almost imperceptible changes in facial expression which could transmit nuances of emotion.

  • hammy – (of acting or an actor) exaggerated or overly theatrical.
  • gesticulate – menggerakkan tangan
  • histrionic- dramatis
  • gesture- gerak isyarat
  • flamboyant – semarak, (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.
  • fatuous – bodoh, dungu, tolol
  • stagger – sempoyongan, walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.
  • contort – memutar balikan, merubah bentuk
  • imperceptible – impossible to perceive.
  • perceive – melihat


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